provider reviews in the decision of a provider

many many months ago I contacted a well established Houston provider to schedule an appt and she turned me down claiming I didn't have enough references(p411). months went by and I "attained" basic plus 3. I contacted the same provider again and this time initially she was very enthusiastic to schedule a time to do so.I communicated more with her, asking if she was comfortable communicating more specifically about what I wanted(nothing ununusal or unreasonable). then a odd thing then happened. she decided she didn't want to schedule and appointment after reviewing my other provider references(she could have do that up front)

would the providers who are comfortable disclosing HOW they decide to schedule meeting a particular man rank how important WHICH provider references a man has plays in their decision?
LexusLover's Avatar
I communicated more with her, asking if she was comfortable communicating more specifically about what I wanted(nothing ununusal or unreasonable).
Once I saw a very popular provider, she screened me through p411, decent session, I did not review it, but it was in top 50% of my experiences but not top quartile. Most guys had written reviews as if she was top 2 or 3 girls to ever hit H town.

After the deed was done, she tells me, I almost didn't see you because one of your oks is from provider x. I was pretty surprised, as a result I did not ask her for an ok, and turns out she ended up with a lot of bsc stuff on this board in subsequent months.

You never really know, and YMMV
allaboutthebbbj's Avatar
Almost every provider I have see will give me a good reference but there is one here(so I have been told by a few different ones I see) that turned my vouch into a bad reference. Im not sure what changed her mind but she decided to bash me to a few girls I see regularly. I dont think it has affected me but who knows. Maybe some providers would take her bad reference and choose not to see me.
It was either she threw her guard up (cop radar) as I think LL was implying, or the fact that two of your reviews are ancient...and all 3 suck. Lol
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-03-2017, 10:29 PM
I communicated more with her, asking if she was comfortable communicating more specifically about what I wanted(nothing ununusal or unreasonable).I communicated more with her, asking if she was comfortable communicating more specifically about what I wanted(nothing ununusal or unreasonable).

This. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I communicated more with her, asking if she was comfortable communicating more specifically about what I wanted(nothing ununusal or unreasonable).I communicated more with her, asking if she was comfortable communicating more specifically about what I wanted(nothing ununusal or unreasonable).

Yes... Originally Posted by R.M.

Agreed. It probaly wasnt unreasonable or unusual to you. Ive declined appts after screening for reasons just like these. Depending on what i offer and do not offer.

After you broke the first rule of booking (Thank you LexusLover) I read Every. Single. Public. Word. you've written on eccie and determined you're an ASSHOLE and not a person I'd choose to spend one second of my time with. Period. My decision had absolutely zero to do with the ladies you've seen and everything to do with your shitty attitude.

Oh and that P411 profile photo isn't doing you any favors either. Fucktard!
  • pxmcc
  • 11-03-2017, 11:47 PM
^^ 24/7 on a SMHB

Lol. Virgin loser. Go get some fresh air
  • pxmcc
  • 11-04-2017, 12:38 AM
^^Nah, just finished a hot toftt session. chick was fine as hell...
pyramider's Avatar
Agreed. It probaly wasnt unreasonable or unusual to you. Ive declined appts after screening for reasons just like these. Depending on what i offer and do not offer. Originally Posted by Kammye

I offer up taint lub.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 11-04-2017, 10:08 AM
would the providers who are comfortable disclosing HOW they decide to schedule meeting a particular man rank how important WHICH provider references a man has plays in their decision?

Being an asshole has nothing to do with references. She may thank you later for this ThreAD in the future though.
AlexisMoore's Avatar
I use provider references to deem you safe. I then research you ON MY OWN to see if I want to see you or not. I do not go specifically go by what a provider says. Some of them give out bad references to keep or try and keep guy to themselves or ruin his reputation. Ive seen it. Or just because one lady didnt click with the guy doesnt mean I wont.
Just as the guys are shady, women are also. Its a money business. Greed, jelously, envy, and much more comes out of ppl when dealing with cash. So I research myself.
Best thing is this is ECCIE and you have over400 women to choose from. If one turns you down or wants to be a prude bitch, you have 399 more to try.
Dont dwell on this too much. Go fuck someone else and you will forget this experience.
So....I woke up to a PM from this fool telling me that I'm a bitch for replying in this thread.

First of all, it's Ms. Bitch to you OP.

Secondly, I tried in my most southern way to be kind to you when I told you I'd changed my mind about seeing you but you don't seem to understand that concept. Learn what the word NO means and take responsibility for your roll in talking yourself out of an appointment.

Lastly, If you thought for one second you could come here and talk shit about me without a reply you are sadly mistaken. Now stop PMing me and my friends, grow some balls and keep this discussion in public where you started it.

You're the one that needs the manners. FUCKTARD.