Are you ready for sum Football!!

jon5150's Avatar
Well folks, pre-season has started. The NFL is back! Who is your favorite team?
MacTheKnife's Avatar
uca479's Avatar
The RAMS, but that's been hard to admit the last few years (and yesterday's lack-luster showing didn't help that any).

Maybe we'll end up with the top draft choice this year & finally get that true #1 wide out.
jon5150's Avatar
Originally Posted by MacTheKnife
Mac, I always knew there was a reason I didn't like you, lol! I'm an EAGLES fan!!!
I don't watch much NFL, but I am definitely looking forward to the start of college football season in a couple of weeks! In fact, I got so excited about it that I opted out of the hot tub purchase temporarily, and bought an 80-inch television to watch football on this year! I can't wait!!!

Hopefully, I'll be watching most of the games in person this year, though. I've already found my foam finger and it's ready to go!

go4it69's Avatar
that's a big finger!
that's a big finger! Originally Posted by go4it69
That's what she said.
TestSpin's Avatar
Like Ginger, I'm DEFINITELY more excited about the Razorbacks getting started. When it comes to the NFL, I don't have much team loyalty and tend to pull for teams based on their current rosters. A few I'll be pulling for:
DMac at Oakland
Felix at Dallas
Hillis at KC
J. Wright at Minnesota
DJ at Green Bay
Adams at Carolina (Loved his Tennesse-like return in the preseason game over the weekend)
Bequette & Mallett at New England (when/if they see the field)
I know I'm missing some, but these are the ones that first come to mind.

I'll be pulling for Peyton at Denver, Eli in NY, and RG3 in DC.

I hate to pull against Chicago, so I may end up hoping that Chicago wins with defense while Cutler stinks it up. Kind of the reverse of that, with Oakland, I'll probably be pulling for them to lose but for DMac to do great.

More importantly, I'll be pulling for big game day get togethers with lots of grilling and BBQing and plenty of beer.
thecapn93's Avatar
Sydney Pure's Avatar

Well Since YOU asked this is WHO I"m watching this season!!! lol....
I grew up in Dallas on a steady diet of the Cowboys. I date myself- but that was in the days of Don Meredith, Jethro Pugh, Bobby Hayes and Lance "keep it in your pants" Rentzel. And while I did not care much for Tom Landry, you had to respect his coaching capacity. They were a class act!

Then came the millionaires and egos and the stadium with a whole in the roof " god could watch his team play." In those years I was living places like Washington, San Francisco and Chicago where hating the Cowboys is a part time job for everyone in town. Over time, I just lost my bullet for pro football.

I would rather watch reruns of Don Meredith pitching out to Dan Reeves who threw down field to the fastest man in the world. So I guess that makes me a football Curmudgeon.
  • MrGiz
  • 08-14-2012, 09:03 AM