When you find the best, do you disclose?

When you've come across a semi-unknown provider that you think is a gem, and this girl is a semi-UTR to this board, do you feel compelled to do a review or do you keep your experiences to yourself? Discuss.
MOPAR11's Avatar
Depends...sometimes it's better to share with a select few than the start the asshat feeding frenzy...some ladies will get scared off ...discretion sometimes prevails.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
She’s not as great as you imagined, reviewers really tend to gloss over whew
I would ask her if she wants to be reviewed.
What Lakeside said.
If you are trying to do her a favor it seems an ISO post might gets things moving without the feeding frenzy that a strong review so often causes.
Then again someone will likely spill the beans if you don't so wth.

get more jimmies involved to become her "hero" and

convince her to raise the rates
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Help her take close up cleavage pics whew
Carlos Danger's Avatar
You could set up a hobby email for her to heavily screen but I’m not an exxxpert whew
Dutch9's Avatar
Get her OK before putting up a review. Then she’ll know why her phone blows up
As you've found out by now, you're inbox is probably getting full!...just a guess.
A recent one who wanted to make some extra cash, lasted a month or 2?
Phone blew up, she was being stalked, tried to clean up her act, but the $ was just too good.
But, she flamed out!
If she wants to meet new guys, give her number out to guys you trust to keep their mouths shut and fingers off a keyboard.
I've heard that exists out there...F'n Elitists!!
IF she insists on doing this..FFS dont use her real name or a phone number that can be tracked through SM.
Just do the review. Let the chips fall where they may. Rarely is she as good as you think anyways. She will become known in time and become a bigger whore with all her problems and drop off the planet into oblivion with or without your review.
As you've found out by now, you're inbox is probably getting full!...just a guess.
A recent one who wanted to make some extra cash, lasted a month or 2?
Phone blew up, she was being stalked, tried to clean up her act, but the $ was just too good.
But, she flamed out!
If she wants to meet new guys, give her number out to guys you trust to keep their mouths shut and fingers off a keyboard.
I've heard that exists out there...F'n Elitists!!
IF she insists on doing this..FFS dont use her real name or a phone number that can be tracked through SM. Originally Posted by Notuagain
Doesn't the note taker have a group.... except HE can't keep his own mouth shut?
notE tAker?