Trump surpasses even Hoover at mismanagement and the coronavirus fallout proves it

Zollner's Avatar
Scary how History is repeating!!!

U.S. president trump most experienced in the art of the poor deal

Hoover presided over the nation’s descent into the Great Depression following the October 1929 stock market crash. As the financial crisis worsened, Hoover had no answers — and made some enormous mistakes (signing into law the Smoot-Hawley tariff act, for one). He also had a habit of prematurely declaring victory, including in a May 1930 speech when he proclaimed: “I am convinced we have passed the worst and with continued effort we shall rapidly recover”. As it turned out, the Depression continued for another decade and Hoover was summarily dispatched from office in the November 1932 election, with his Republican party banished from the White House for the next two decades.

As the U.S. navigates deeply troubled economic waters, it is tempting to consider whether Donald Trump is a modern Hoover. The similarities jump out: tariffs adding to economic misery; a president spiking the ball at the 50-yard line and understating the depths of crisis.
I've probably got a better chance of Hoover answering that age old question though....

Paper, Plastic or Reusable???
Zollner's Avatar
Was answered already..... try keeping up....

buffalomw10's Avatar
George Carlin was brilliant.
Zollner's Avatar
George Carlin was brilliant. Originally Posted by buffalomw10
Yes he was!

Here George explains trump's daily bloviating PERFECTLY!!!

Was answered already..... try keeping up....
Originally Posted by Zollner
Not answered by you... unsurprisingly...there... all caught up....

Originally Posted by Zollner
First time I saw that meme.... I fell off my dinosaur laughing... so there's that....
Zollner's Avatar
Not answered by you... unsurprisingly...there... all caught up.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
NOPE ya missed it still!
I didn't miss anything.

Paper Plastic or Reusable....
NBT had an answer....
but you don't know and on we go..... no big deal....
Stewie never answers direct questions either... it's all good....

Meme away.... I understand everyone's limitations....
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Zollner's Avatar
I didn't miss anything.

Paper Plastic or Reusable....
NBT had an answer....
but you don't know and on we go..... no big deal....
Stewie never answers direct questions either... it's all good....

Meme away.... I understand everyone's limitations.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Yup you still missed it.

Didn't think you were that severely limited?
Guess I was wrong....LOL

Here's a little synopsis and part of what you missed...
As everyone knows a picture is worth a thousands words, something you obviously missed over at trump U....LOL

Hard2Kill's Avatar
I figured he would be able to follow along if there were pictures. Probably asking too much.

Meme away.... I understand everyone's limitations.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Didn't think you were that severely limited? Originally Posted by Zollner

How it's done.....
Missburger's Avatar
Yup you still missed it.

Didn't think you were that severely limited?
Guess I was wrong....LOL

Here's a little synopsis and part of what you missed...
As everyone knows a picture is worth a thousands words, something you obviously missed over at trump U....LOL

Originally Posted by Zollner
he misses a lot, good comparison on trump, he looks like he is unraveling, he backed down on the governors, was great to watch the real republicans in the senate that know the constitution strike down on orange man with his bs nonsense about how he has unlimited authority, no orange man, you dont, of course the fake republican that has the parade is on the same nonsense, but hey wheres that parade pic z, i miss see paulie at the front of that group.

on we go