Opioids Inc.

jokacz's Avatar
I highly suggest that everyone watch this:
It has a Buffalo connection that we all can be proud of [sarcasm font]
And a hot stripper to boot.
Coming from a family with 80 years in the medical profession with 4 members having M.D. degrees, I can assure you that payola from big pharma has always been real and corrupting.
bobmidnight's Avatar
4 MD's and....you.
jokacz's Avatar
This is probably the most accurate thing you have ever posted on this site, considering that the man is pointing directly at your profile name and avatar.
jokacz's Avatar
I'm crushed, the peanut gallery doesn't like me.

jokacz's Avatar
This is probably the most accurate thing you have ever posted on this site, considering that the man is pointing directly at your profile name and avatar. Originally Posted by SeekingFun69

This one will work better for you: