New drug supposed to lower risk of HIV infection

Doctors now have another weapon against HIV/AIDS in their arsenal, and it’s a potent one. For the first time, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a drug treatment that will prevent infection in healthy people.

The drug, called Truvada, which is already approved for the treatment of HIV in infected patients, works by lowering the amount of virus circulating in people’s blood. But clinical trials show that it can also protect uninfected high-risk people from acquiring the virus, if they take the drug daily before and after exposure.

The approval is controversial. Some public health experts argue that allowing the drug to be used for prevention will foster a false sense of security among users, leading people to believe mistakenly that they are immune to the virus and reduce their use of condoms. However, the FDA determined that the benefits of expanding the pool of people who may use Truvada to protect against HIV made it worth approving. Here’s what you need to know.

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What do you guys think about this. At cost it is $24.67 per 200 mg tablet ($9000/year).
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I was watching the news the other day and the newscaster said that the southern states, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia all of these states have now gone to the top of the list with a huge rise in HIV cases. I honestly would be hesitant to take a drug like this without knowing the true health impact on my body. If you practice safe sex then you shouldn't have much to worry about.

Thanks for the link Daphne, very interesting.

Here I found a news article on this: Report warns of aids crisis across the south
I don't see people who are at the greatest risk being able to afford this.
And don't get me started about HIV in the south: women still don't carry condoms because they are afraid a guy will think they are a slut.
I don't see people who are at the greatest risk being able to afford this.
And don't get me started about HIV in the south: women still don't carry condoms because they are afraid a guy will think they are a slut. Originally Posted by RandomBlkChick
I still believe a lot of this crap in the southern states is a religious thing. Take religion out of the equation, insert education, access to medical care, and such and you will see a drop in this at the CDC.
  • iquit
  • 07-23-2012, 11:29 PM
It all about educating our kids. I mean, the new infections are mostly in african american women and also within the age range of 22-24, so its not gays or alternative lifestyle people. These are the regular college kids and high school graduates of 2008 we see around, i blame it on the Bush generation abstinence works stupidity of 8 years. These are just the results of that sort of misinformation.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Sweet! Does this mean I can start barebacking hookers all I want now?
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 07-27-2012, 12:25 AM
Mr. Bill's Avatar
HIV = AIDS is a fraud and a scam.

AIDS is not an infectious disease's a condition caused by exposure to immunological stressor agents.

