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guest032612-2's Avatar
It seems my profile info has been found out. Is there a way for members only to view it or temporary suspend it? Thanks Chealsea
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Member profiles cannot be masked. Your account can be disabled which would prevent anyone from logging on to your account (including you) yet retain the handle registration so no one else could use it. Or it can be guested which releases the handle registration and changes your handle to "guestxyz".

In either case your profile and posts would still be linked to the appropriate handle. In the case of disabling, all would be linked to your registered handle. In the case of guesting to the "guest" handle.

In extremely rare circumstances (such as death) a request can go through and all traces of the member can be removed by staff.

guest032612-2's Avatar
Thank you. I will leave it as it is.