reviews fee's

I've noticed after reading several reviews,that there is many different figures in the fee section.Just wanted to know whats the correct way to disclose your fee for a review.On my frist review I thought I had put the correct amount .2 for 200 but was questioned on price.Maybe my decimal was wrong, I don't know ................please help so I can be correct on review #2.
try just putting $$
.2 appears to be $20 so that is why you were questioned. Some people use $ for each $100, it's a hobby thing. So $200 would be $$.
Hello pincushion111, thanks for taking the time to ask for clarification. Ah, the wonders of how to post the fee. FYI, the symbols and decimals are a goofy hobby thing that has been in place for some time. For practical purposes, it is useless and it is the origin of too much confusion.

Do me a favor, don't use any short hand, or symbols to state the fee. If the fee was two hundred dollars, use

1.) $200.00
2.) $200

There is no confusion that way. While I won't penalize reviewers who stick to that old, outdated system of stating the fees, I will definitely appreciate you just using standard numbers as you would in the regular business world.
