Canadian Money

midwestman's Avatar
(Don't overlook the Medical Warning at the end of this message.)
Darned clever, these Canadians!
Perhaps America and Europe should consider changing their currencies too.

Due to the global war on terrorism, many terrorist organizations have had their finances frozen. Consequently, they have resorted to counterfeiting.
The Canadians have decided to redesign their currency to prevent the radical Muslims from even touching it! It is also hoped that this will have a positive effect on tourism.

Muslim terrorists have to kill themselves if they see a naked woman. Those Canadians always find the solution! Must be the pure water up there in the North!
KCQuestor's Avatar
Your pictures don't work. You can't make a direct link to a picture in your Yahoo mailbox. You'll need to save it to your computer and attach it to your post.

Here are the pics of the money, though.

I don't know what picture you were referencing at the end, so I couldn't post that one.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Maybe it will make the North Koreans defect to the West.
midwestman's Avatar
Thanks KCQ!!