The Huawei security risk

KalyEscort's Avatar
In Barcelona at the end of this month will be the Mobile World Congress, and everybode become nervous with Huawei.

The rest of the companies are collecting signatures to ask to the organization about cancell the invitation to this congress. USA goverment are complaining about SECURITY RISK.

It is a collective paranoia or it's a campaign because the brand is getting too much progress and Chinese tech is groving up in quality at half the price of the big companies?

China is a strange mixture of Capitalist Enterprise mixed with a Totalitarian Communist Government.

Sooner or later, everything in China is controlled by the Government. They allow their citizens to make money, as long as they pay proper tribute to those in charge.

Do you trust them?
KalyEscort's Avatar
China is a strange mixture of Capitalist Enterprise mixed with a Totalitarian Communist Government.

Sooner or later, everything in China is controlled by the Government. They allow their citizens to make money, as long as they pay proper tribute to those in charge.

Do you trust them? Originally Posted by Jackie S
well, i don't trust on USA as well. But I think this is more about money. You can't stop the companies growing up, no one complain about MAC.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
China is a strange mixture of Capitalist Enterprise mixed with a Totalitarian Communist Government.

Sooner or later, everything in China is controlled by the Government. They allow their citizens to make money, as long as they pay proper tribute to those in charge.

Do you trust them? Originally Posted by Jackie S

they're fascist by definition even tho they have a major commie component.