Math never lies: There's no place to hide the bodies....

texassapper's Avatar
Something is killing off large numbers of 25- to 54-year-olds in the United States, and the powers that be in government and the media are pretending it is not happening. There is no visible effort to study the alarming statistics gathered by actuaries for the life insurance industry, which keeps track of deaths because they directly impact their bottom line through claims from the insured.

What could be causing this spike in death rates? Could it be the mass vaccinations of an untested gene therapy? Maybe not, but what other factor affecting most people has been operating?

Document here

As this graph shows, the increase in AIDS deaths appears directly related to the arrival of the COVID shots in 2021. Subtract the red bar (COVID shots) from the yellow bar and the number of adverse reactions to vaccines ends up almost identical to the numbers in the previous fourteen years. Apparently, the experimental jab increased the amount of AIDS by over 950%.

If true, this data is truly terrifying. It suggests that over time the COVID shots are damaging immune systems. Though the numbers are still very small and uncertain, the percentage increases shown in the actuarial table above suggest that with time they could increase, and do so exponentially.

Lifson notes the disinterest by the government and the media in these facts. Though partisan politics by the leftist press to protect the leftist government is part of the reason, it doesn’t explain it all. With a large percentage of the population having been jabbed, there is nothing they can do about it, and to find out that they might have exposed themselves to serious long term illness because of it is not information most people will wish to absorb, especially since most people today allow their emotions — not rational thought — to dictate their actions. This information is truly terrifying, for real reasons.

In other words, since the deed has been done, why scare yourself? Make believe the problem doesn’t exist. ~Zimmerman
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Section 9: Reliance and Limitations

In producing this report, the Committee relied upon data furnished by contributing companies and data published by the CDC. The Committee would like to stress that the data presented in this survey is emerging data. Contributing companies may true-up this data over time. The Committee also notes that carriers submitted data in different formats; it is possible that the homogenization of data submissions could introduce some unintended distortion in the survey results. The reader should review the limitations noted throughout the report.

There's a Major Issue With How We Treat Lab Mice, And It Could Affect Study Results

Across the board, the animals in conventional cages became sicker than ones in better-resourced housing. For example, if given cancer, they developed larger tumors.

Conventionally housed animals were also at greater risk of dying, their average lifespans reduced by about 9 percent. Scientists have known for decades that rats and mice want more comfort, exercise and stimulation than is normally provided, and that conventional cages therefore induce abnormal behavior and anxiety.

The "shoeboxes" that rats and mice currently live in should stop being ignored as if a neutral backdrop, and instead be seen as a determinant of health: one we can modify, improve and study. Doing so would allow us to better model the diverse social determinants of human health, and improve animal well-being at the same time.

Math sometimes lies.

Just sayin'.
texassapper's Avatar
Math sometimes lies.
Just sayin'. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
No. It doesn't. What you're demonstrating is there are sometimes unaccounted for variables. The math still remains what it is. Just like these "excess" deaths that the insurance industry is finding. They occurred. But what is causing them? What common factors globally happened in the last two years to account for them (They are global too... the Germans have found the same thing)

We know it's not what is it?

There's only one factor that would make sense... the gene therapy shots that have been called vaccines.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
No. It doesn't. What you're demonstrating is there are sometimes unaccounted for variables. The math still remains what it is. Just like these "excess" deaths that the insurance industry is finding. They occurred. But what is causing them? What common factors globally happened in the last two years to account for them (They are global too... the Germans have found the same thing)

We know it's not what is it?

There's only one factor that would make sense... the gene therapy shots that have been called vaccines. Originally Posted by texassapper

So gene manipulation is your guess. Okay. I'm just saying these excess deaths are unaccounted for. To use your words.

Insurance companies are freaking out over actually having to pay out. Looking for an excuse not to.
texassapper's Avatar
So gene manipulation is your guess. Okay. I'm just saying these excess deaths are unaccounted for. To use your words.

Insurance companies are freaking out over actually having to pay out. Looking for an excuse not to. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
It's actually in the interests of the Insurance companies for the COVID shots to be the root cause... since they were under EUA, no legal recourse for the victims.

What's your explanation Post pandemic stress syndrome?

  • Tiny
  • 05-14-2022, 10:00 AM
From your table, it appears that more excess deaths among those 45 to 54 were attributed to COVID than to non-COVID. The excess deaths were most likely mostly caused by

1. COVID cases, that were counted in the statistics
2. People who died in 2021 as a result of getting COVID, the disease, but who weren't counted in the official statistics. Remember, the WHO believed around 15 million people had died of COVID worldwide, while the "official" count was only 5 million.
3. Deferred medical care as a result of the COVID pandemic

You really just see the jump in the third quarter of 2021. The level of excess deaths in the 1Q and 2Q of 2021 was about the same as the 3Q and 4Q of 2020, when vaccines weren't available.

The 3Q of 2021 coincided with the deadly Delta surge.

Another thought, the probability of dying is much, much higher for older people. A male at 30 has a .0018 probability of dying in the next year while someone who's 75 has a .035 probability. The absolute number of excess deaths during the pandemic of the young is very small compared to the number of older Americans.

If I were 30 or 40, I would have gotten the vaccine. I would have figured my chances of hospitalization or death, while small either way, would have been much higher with the disease than the vaccine.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey, Governor Cuomo hid the bodies successfully until he got his book advance and his Emmy. Anything after that is just evidence at a trail that will never happen.
texassapper's Avatar
From your table, it appears that more excess deaths among those 45 to 54 were attributed to COVID than to non-COVID. The excess deaths were most likely mostly caused by

1. COVID cases, that were counted in the statistics
2. People who died in 2021 as a result of getting COVID, the disease, but who weren't counted in the official statistics. Remember, the WHO believed around 15 million people had died of COVID worldwide, while the "official" count was only 5 million.
3. Deferred medical care as a result of the COVID pandemic Originally Posted by Tiny
Nope. Sorry, those age groups aren't at risk of death from COVID in large enough numbers to be accounted for by COVID.

But you keep on thinking those shots were safe... I understand why... just remember life, like math, never lies. You won't be able to live in denial forever.. well maybe you will, right up until it kills you.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
It's actually in the interests of the Insurance companies for the COVID shots to be the root cause... since they were under EUA, no legal recourse for the victims.

What's your explanation Post pandemic stress syndrome?

lol. Originally Posted by texassapper
Just substitute partum with Covid.

From your table, it appears that more excess deaths among those 45 to 54 were attributed to COVID than to non-COVID. The excess deaths were most likely mostly caused by

1. COVID cases, that were counted in the statistics
2. People who died in 2021 as a result of getting COVID, the disease, but who weren't counted in the official statistics. Remember, the WHO believed around 15 million people had died of COVID worldwide, while the "official" count was only 5 million.
3. Deferred medical care as a result of the COVID pandemic

You really just see the jump in the third quarter of 2021. The level of excess deaths in the 1Q and 2Q of 2021 was about the same as the 3Q and 4Q of 2020, when vaccines weren't available.

The 3Q of 2021 coincided with the deadly Delta surge.

Another thought, the probability of dying is much, much higher for older people. A male at 30 has a .0018 probability of dying in the next year while someone who's 75 has a .035 probability. The absolute number of excess deaths during the pandemic of the young is very small compared to the number of older Americans.

If I were 30 or 40, I would have gotten the vaccine. I would have figured my chances of hospitalization or death, while small either way, would have been much higher with the disease than the vaccine. Originally Posted by Tiny

  • Tiny
  • 05-14-2022, 10:20 AM
Nope. Sorry, those age groups aren't at risk of death from COVID in large enough numbers to be accounted for by COVID.

But you keep on thinking those shots were safe... I understand why... just remember life, like math, never lies. You won't be able to live in denial forever.. well maybe you will, right up until it kills you. Originally Posted by texassapper
Well, your table shows a lot of them DID die from COVID. Chalk most of the rest of it up to deferred medical care during the Delta surge of the 3Q 2021 instead of uncounted COVID deaths if you wish -- that could be what happened.

Again, you're not looking at large numbers of excess deaths among younger people, compared to older Americans. You double the probability a 30 year old man will die and he's still only 10% as likely to die in the next year as the 75 year old.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
vaers data is interesting.

looks like 80% of the vaccine deaths are on the covid vaccines in 2021 and trending 90% in early 2022.

would be interested on the vaccine breakdown by manufacturer. wouldn't surprise me that Pfizer and Moderna would be the leading vaccines on a vaers chart.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I thought this was a russian cover up thread on the death count of russian soldiers.

Apparently the russian military has mobile crematoriums to fudge the number of deaths.

you know what they say.... Гори детка Гори
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I thought this was a russian cover up thread on the death count of russian soldiers.

Apparently the russian military has mobile crematoriums to fudge the number of deaths.

you know what they say.... Гори детка Гори Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm