Absolute baloney. Only a Gruber would believe this lie. In fact, Obama's Executive Order, enables millions to now get substantial benefits from the government. Most notably in the form of Earned Income Tax Credits.

Very few of these millions will pay back taxes; instead, they will line up to receive checks from US Taxpayers.
Legalized undocumented immigrants could become eligible for significant transfer payments
I B Hankering's Avatar
Absolute baloney. Only a Gruber would believe this lie. In fact, Obama's Executive Order, enables millions to now get substantial benefits from the government. Most notably in the form of Earned Income Tax Credits.

Very few of these millions will pay back taxes; instead, they will line up to receive checks from US Taxpayers.
Legalized undocumented immigrants could become eligible for significant transfer payments
http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapoth...-income-taxes/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yep. Odumbo continues to "#Gruber" his minions.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another circle jerk, by our two most prolific circle jerkoffs.

Point out the lie, asshole.
Team Obama is well aware that his actions will make millions of illegals eligible to receive subsidies; he purposely tried to deceive the American public into thinking otherwise. In other words, "they will pay their fair share", when in fact he knows differently and should have told the American public "they will receive more than they will pay in, but it necessary for us to move forward".

His purposeful deception is the lie. Just as his Obamacare deceptions.

But being someone who has his butt so far up Obama's ass, I am sure you think otherwise. In other words, your moral compass is fucked up.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You have not identified the lie. You don't believe that anybody will pay their fair share, but you not believing something doesn't make it a lie. for the most part, you POSTING something makes it a lie.

Chit, I've got that 10,000 I won from IBHomo that says YOU don't pay your fair share, Whir-LIE-turd!
The lie has been identified; you just refuse to see it. Just like you don't think Obama lied when he told us, to name just a few of the dozens upon dozens:
  • “Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”
  • “The Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration.”
  • “We revealed to the American people exactly what we understood at the time.” (on benghazi)

You have not identified the lie. You don't believe that anybody will pay their fair share, but you not believing something doesn't make it a lie. for the most part, you POSTING something makes it a lie.

Chit, I've got that 10,000 I won from IBHomo that says YOU don't pay your fair share, Whir-LIE-turd! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is a total Whir-LIE-turd dodge.

You were not talking about any of the aforementioned issues, but the immigration EO. Point out the LIE there.

You're making shit up again, Shir-LIE-turd.

Or is this yet another of your "editorials?"
I am talking about obama being a habitual liar; and his Thursday night EO speech was no different.

Most Americans know Obama lies on the big issues...............61% believe he lies on important issues.
Absolute baloney. Only a Grubercrat would believe this lie. In fact, Obama's Executive Order, enables millions to now get substantial benefits from the government. Most notably in the form of Earned Income Tax Credits.

Very few of these millions will pay back taxes; instead, they will line up to receive checks from US Taxpayers.
Legalized undocumented immigrants could become eligible for significant transfer payments
http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapoth...-income-taxes/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway


Obama got the PolitiFact Liar of the Year Award for 2013. Wonder if he will get it for 2014 as well. I hear his 20+ statements in which he claimed he didn't have the constitutional authority to act on immigration are up for consideration ! Or is the the one time he claimed he did have the constitutional authority ???? Oh well, one of them is true and other the lie.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It will be Ted Cruz.

And you hijacked your own thread.

Or you deliberately posted misinformation.

Regardless, it is yet more evidence of your intellectual and moral corruption.
flghtr65's Avatar
The lie has been identified; you just refuse to see it. Just like you don't think Obama lied when he told us, to name just a few of the dozens upon dozens:
  • “Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.”
  • “The Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration.”
  • “We revealed to the American people exactly what we understood at the time.” (on benghazi)
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
1. You don't think Congress that is made up of lawyers didn't know what they were voting for with the ACA? $94 is $94 regardless of what you call it, a fine or a tax.

2. The Arizona ATF agents started Fast and Furious on their own with no help from Washington. They sent the first Email to Holder 3 months after the guns "started walking" FACT JACK. The name Fast and Furious evolved after the agents noticed that the gun buyers worked in an autobody shop and raced cars at night.

3. There was no coverup with Benghazi. Rice was wrong about the Video but that is what they thought at the time. It is well known that the CIA was using local militia for protection, that failed to show up when called. A congressional committee has already confirmed this.

Try something else Whirly, you have nothing here.
You are a laughable Obama apologist flighty.

He lied about keeping your doctor.
He lied about keeping your policy
He lied about saving families $2500
He lied about continuing to lower health care costs
He lied the business mandate
He lied about wanting to compromise with the Republicans while taking unilateral action numerous times
He lied about Gruber not "being on his staff"
He lied about the site being ready last year
He lied about the enrollment numbers
He lied about Obamacare not costing "one dime"

And you know it. That makes you a liar. Is that you Gruber?
LexusLover's Avatar
1. You don't think Congress that is made up of lawyers didn't know what they were voting for with the ACA?

Who voted Yea and who Party voted Nay? and Most didn't read it.

2. The Arizona ATF agents started Fast and Furious on their own with no help from Washington.

Apparently you didn't get the memoES.

3. There was no coverup with Benghazi. Rice was wrong about the Video but that is what they thought at the time.

When did they start "thinking" otherwise?

You try something else, you have nothing here. Originally Posted by flghtr65
Do you honestly believe that by constantly repeating the same shit people will begin to believe it? The only ones who do are the ones Gruber described.

Psssst....they are not "conservatives" .... they are liberals like you.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Why is it that none of you get pissed that the wealthy don't pay their fair share, hide money overseas, and damn sure take out more than they put in??