Happy trumpf trial eve

winn dixie's Avatar
The first of several trials coming up.
Very proud of new York and Georgia for standing up for what's right and not being bullied!
God speed

Ohhh the good times to be had
The revelry
The country uniting against the criminal trumpf.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The first of several trials coming up.
Very proud of new York... Originally Posted by winn dixie
Hard to keep track. Help us out here. Is that the one were the porn star owes Trump $630,000?

Or is that the one where a convinced felon for purgury was banging the porn star and paying her on the down low?

Or is it the one with the porn star sent Trump a letter denying the whole Potato ever happened?

Or is that the one where the DA withheld thousands of pages of discovery materials?

Or is that the one where the porn star's original lawyer is rotting in prison for extortion?

Or is that the one where the judge's daughter is a far-left activist from the Biden-Harris campaign?
winn dixie's Avatar
Regardless. Happy trial eve.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Rhu-Rho. Seems to be some shenanigans investigations still to be had.
Is it over for the 2020 ‘fair election’ peddlers? Long-awaited GA report admits in writing what we already knew…

April 13, 2024
Mark your calendars, folks, because May 7th could be a big day in the Peach State now that a long-awaited report on the 2020 election has been completed and found—you guessed it—election violations. How many or how serious, we don’t know yet. The findings from the report are set to be discussed at the May 7th election board meeting. Could this spell the end for the 2020 election “fair election” peddlers? Those government bootlickers who’ve spent so much energy trying to convince the American public that 2020 was the most fair and transparent election in US history? Time will tell.

Here’s what reporter Emerald Robinson said about the report:
BREAKING: The long awaited report from an investigation (SEB2023-25) into errors found in both the hand count & a machine count from the 2020 presidential election in Fulton Co. is officially on the agenda for a May 7th State Election Board meeting!

The investigation found violations into both the hand audit and machine count according to citizen investigator Joe Rossi...
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Just wait!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Put me on that jury. I be like GUILTY!
Max fine and sentence.
eyecu2's Avatar
The shame of the trial is that Trump won't be televised 'acting' like a child in the courtroom, and sadly- his supporters will love him even more.

now- Melania-...NOT so much.

I hope she gets to hear all about the sordid details and how he was paying to put his pecker in Stormy- while Melanie was at home w a baby!

Oh the joy that this must bring to Melanie..er Melania. Her baby daddy gone to shoved his pickle in a stank-ho' and apparently,- it was bareback. (I don't have a personal problem with that but I'm betting she will- LOL).

Oh yeah. Since Melania's birthday is April 26, 1970....what a better birthday gift for DJT to give her?? A full review of his escapade tryst with Stephanie "Stormy" Richards.

A trial where Donnie and his pickle is on trial for being a stooge- and using campaign money to boot, (if you're really rich, why would you not just dip into your own cash stash and pay up?). Imagine how she's gonna feel after realizing that Michael Cohen may have tapped into that raw-dog too, so by proxy, she's been sleeping with him too; along with all those other porn star dicks and creampies Stormy took.

Good times at the bug infested golf hotel during Melania's birthday party on April 26th!!!

Who wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall for the next 45 days to hear the ketchup bottles flying and the steady stream of Serbian swear-words streaming out of Mel's mouth?!?? It's gonna be epic!

The Trial should have it's own sound track from Shaggy- "It wasn't me".

winn dixie's Avatar
Indeed eye indeed
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar

The Biden went down to Georgia
He was lookin' for an election to steal
He was in a bind 'cause he was way behind
And he was willin' to make a steal
When he came across this young man
Sawin' on an election and playin' it hot
And the Biden jumped upon a hickory stump
And said, "Boy, let me tell you what"

"I guess you didn't know it, but I'm an election stealer, too
And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you
Now you play pretty good electioneering, boy, but give the Biden his due
I'll bet a fiddle of gold against your soul
'Cause I think I'm stealing this election from you
  • Tiny
  • 04-15-2024, 12:36 PM
The first of several trials coming up.
Very proud of new York and Georgia for standing up for what's right and not being bullied!
God speed

Ohhh the good times to be had
The revelry
The country uniting against the criminal trumpf. Originally Posted by winn dixie
This country has become a bigger banana republic than Guatemala, or wherever it is that they grow bananas.

Our ex-president tried to steel an election. He pressured Brad Raffensperger, Secretary of State of Georgia to find 11,000 votes. And he and his advisors attempted to appoint alternate electors in Georgia and other states, to replace lawfully selected electors. What Trump was trying to pull is what goes on in a banana republic.

In New York on the other hand the prosecution of the ex-president is a complete sham. He paid off a couple of women so they wouldn't spill the beans on his extramarital affairs. And that's a violation of campaign disclosure laws? Give me a break.

I figure he'll probably get convicted, because Alvin Bragg chose to bring the case in Manhattan. Something like 90% of the population there vote for Democrats, and the judge, while not as partisan as Kangaroo Engoron, doesn't like Trump.

One of the attorneys who defended the Trump Organization in its 2022 civil trial in New York City was on MSNBC, of all places, this morning. Judge Merchan presided over the case. Merchan's also presiding over the criminal trial that kicked off today. The attorney said he was interviewing a prospective juror. He asked her what she thought of Trump. She said something like he's a cock sucking, mother fucking son of a bitch. Then he asked her if she could render a fair and impartial verdict. She answered no. Merchan took over. He said if I instruct you on the law, can you put aside your prejudices and decide in accordance with the law. She said yes. Merchan did not strike her and I believe she ended up serving on the jury.

Trump's attorney went on to say that the Trump organization would have received a fairer hearing in Staten Island than it did in Manhattan.

Like Trump's games in Georgia, Arizona, etc., and the $455 million fine that Kangaroo Engoron levied on Trump, the Stormy Daniels/Karen McDougal trial is another indication that we've slipped into banana republic-hood. Maybe it's time to leave for a lesser banana republic. The taxes are lower and the women are hotter in Colombia.
  • Tiny
  • 04-15-2024, 12:47 PM
The shame of the trial is that Trump won't be televised 'acting' like a child in the courtroom, and sadly- his supporters will love him even more.

now- Melania-...NOT so much.

I hope she gets to hear all about the sordid details and how he was paying to put his pecker in Stormy- while Melanie was at home w a baby!

Oh the joy that this must bring to Melanie..er Melania. Her baby daddy gone to shoved his pickle in a stank-ho' and apparently,- it was bareback. (I don't have a personal problem with that but I'm betting she will- LOL).

Oh yeah. Since Melania's birthday is April 26, 1970....what a better birthday gift for DJT to give her?? A full review of his escapade tryst with Stephanie "Stormy" Richards.

A trial where Donnie and his pickle is on trial for being a stooge- and using campaign money to boot, (if you're really rich, why would you not just dip into your own cash stash and pay up?). Imagine how she's gonna feel after realizing that Michael Cohen may have tapped into that raw-dog too, so by proxy, she's been sleeping with him too; along with all those other porn star dicks and creampies Stormy took.

Good times at the bug infested golf hotel during Melania's birthday party on April 26th!!!

Who wouldn't want to be a fly on the wall for the next 45 days to hear the ketchup bottles flying and the steady stream of Serbian swear-words streaming out of Mel's mouth?!?? It's gonna be epic!

The Trial should have it's own sound track from Shaggy- "It wasn't me".

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U48fb7Nx1A8 Originally Posted by eyecu2
Thanks, I didn't know a lot of that. It sounds like Stormy Daniels was getting passed around by the Trump Bunch. I wonder if Allen Weisselberg, Eric and Don Jr. got a shot at her too?

Yes, this is going to be entertaining. I wonder if it's part of an unspoken strategy by the Democratic Party -- make Trump look bad to evangelicals and hurt him with his base. Admittedly that strategy hasn't worked too well so far. Even the pussy grabbing video didn't hurt the Teflon Donald. More likely the actual strategy is to promote Alvin Braggs' political career in New York, where Trump bashing is great sport.
The first of several trials coming up.
Very proud of new York and Georgia for standing up for what's right and not being bullied!
God speed

Ohhh the good times to be had
The revelry
The country uniting against the criminal trumpf. Originally Posted by winn dixie
It's all show. It won't have any bearing on the Election.
winn dixie's Avatar
Judge tells trumpf he has to show up ever day and can't go to sons graduation.
So trumpf is being treated like everyone else!
The orange entitled one throws a fit.

winn dixie's Avatar
Maga crowds growing thinner at these court appearances.
People be waking up finally.
Trumps poll numbers will go up for every day the trial

By the time it’s over with, The DNC might just throw their hands up and say, …..”we give up”.