McCain and Kerry advisor on Syria fired

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Elizabeth O'Bagy has advised both John McCain and John Kerry (two johns) about how the rebels in Syria are the good guys has been fired by the WSJ for falsifying her record. Seems she does not have a Phd after all.

Very cute but really?
Who funds Syrian rebel advocate O’Bagy and the Syrian Emergency Task Force? You do
8:02 AM 09/09/2013

Charles C. Johnson

The Syrian Emergency Task Force, the pro-rebel lobbying outfit that employs widely quoted intervention advocate Elizabeth O’Bagy as its political director, receives funding from the U.S. Department of State and related government contractors.

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller earlier last week, O’Bagy explained how she got paid. O’Bagy has been roundly condemned for working for a pro-Syrian lobbying group at the same time she was casting the Syrian rebels in a positive light. She works as an analyst at the neoconservative think tank, the Institute for the Study of War.

“Most of the contracts that I’ve been a part of through the Task Force have been through CSO, which is the Conflict and Stabilization Office[sic],” O’Bagy told The Daily Caller. O’Bagy was likely referring to the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, a State Department-funded organization.

“My salary comes from the Institute for the Study of War. I don’t get a salary from working with the Task Force,” O’Bagy said. “I get paid contracting fees for very specific contracts.”

How much she makes is “completely dependent on the contract,” says O’Bagy. “Usually, they [the SETF] kind of write in a specific fee. So it’s not a percentage of the contract, but it’s like I get, just off the top of my head, like two thousand dollars to help implement this project. And then I just get that standard contracting fee. And I actually get a 1099.”

State Department contracting firms like “ARK [Access Resources Knowledge], Chemonics, Creative [Associates International]—a number of the big contractors” set up the contracts and pay the Syrian Emergency Task Force, O’Bagy told TheDC.

With each contract, O’Bagy made more money. This revelation raises serious questions about her incentives to support American involvement in Syria. Both Secretary of State John Kerry and Senator John McCain cited O’Bagy’s work in the push for military action but did not disclose her ties to the rebel groups.

When asked about the potential conflict of interest, O’Bagy said she was working for the Syrian people.

“Frankly I mean the humanitarian crisis is just so horrific that I honestly could not spend significant amounts of time there without trying to contribute to the humanitarian situation in one way or another and that’s just kind of me as a human being. I literally could not go there without trying to use my knowledge for the betterment of these various humanitarian aid programs,” she told TheDC.

O’Bagy, whose Georgetown MA/PhD focuses on Arab women’s issue, explained that the work had been helpful to her dissertation, which she has written but not yet defended.

While John McCain has called her “doctor,” she isn’t one technically. “You can call me doctor, if you want,” O’Bagy said. She graduated Georgetown in 2013. The U.S. government has spent over a $1 billion on aid to the Syrian rebels, with nearly half going to the Department of State, which is used for “institution building,” and the other half going to USAID, which is used for diaspora community relations.

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Elizabeth O'Bagy has advised both John McCain and John Kerry (two johns) about how the rebels in Syria are the good guys has been fired by the WSJ for falsifying her record. Seems she does not have a Phd after all.

Very cute but really? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
She falsified her resume? Like Biden? Or Like Obama?
Has this been discussed?

Home>Middle East>Persian Gulf
A Persian Gulf state behind al-Qaeda agents jailbreaks: Report
Foreign-backed militants in Syria (file photo)
Foreign-backed militants in Syria (file photo)
Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:59PM
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The intelligence agency of a regional state is behind the recent escapes of al-Qaeda agents from prisons in Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia to make them join foreign-backed militants in Syria, a new report says.

The report published by the Austrian daily, Der Standard said that the prison breaks were staged with the help of a Persian Gulf country, without saying its name, to support the al-Qaeda-affiliated extremist group in Syria, al-Nusra Front.

It said that the prisoners were helped to escape under the condition that they will be sent to Syria to fight against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

Pointing to the survival of al-Qaeda two years after the death of its founder, Osama Bin Laden, despite massive drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen, sprawling surveillance programs, and global intelligence operations, the report said the real secret of al-Qaeda’s survival is that its offshoots in different countries closely cooperate with some of the regional countries.

Informed observers believe that Saudi Arabia has been mobilizing al-Qaeda operatives from regional countries to fight in Syria. They say Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar Bin Sultan is in charge of the operation.

Top Taliban commanders said that they have managed to smuggle over two dozen militants they broke out of a prison in the restive northwestern Pakistan on July 29.

On July 27, Libyan security officials said that over 1,000 inmates have escaped from a prison near the eastern city of Benghazi in a stunning jailbreak.

Militants armed with mortars and machine guns also targeted two Iraqi prisons in Taji and Abu Ghraib on July 22, breaking hundreds out of jail.

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said on June 25 that Riyadh believes the al-Qaeda-linked groups in Syria should be armed, but weapons shipments to the Syrian government should be stopped.

Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since 2011. The United Nations says more than 100,000 people have been killed and a total of 7.8 million others displaced since the outbreak of the violence.
Al-Assad a despot on one side Al-Qaeda on the other let 'em fight.
Al-Assad a despot on one side Al-Qaeda on the other let 'em fight. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
OK...We agree
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Al-Assad a despot on one side Al-Qaeda on the other let 'em fight. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
WHAT? Eva thinks Obama is wrong?


No, not that Eva thinks Obama is wrong. I'm shocked that Eva thinks!

Who would have guessed?

WHAT? Eva thinks Obama is wrong?


No, not that Eva thinks Obama is wrong. I'm shocked that Eva thinks!

Who would have guessed?

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Stupid old fart go back to your Atchison bunker and your RV.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Maybe the should have hired Alyssa Milano!

LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe the should have hired Alyssa Milano! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Just remembered what this board is really about.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Just remembered what this board is really about. Originally Posted by LexusLover