Rush to "Delete My Account"

All of the "DELETE MY ACCOUNT" they realize the account is still there?
It only gets disabled. The handle, the posts and reviews will always be here on Eccie.
Why go to the trouble?
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Seems like there is a lot of panic happening
Mostly from newbs
VitaMan's Avatar
Phil Hardman guesting out.....interesting.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Unfortunately most aren't going anywhere, they're just getting rid of 2-3 out of their 5 accounts.
Now that's funny.....and probably true
It’s a known fact that most of the eccie vets have several accounts that they set up. Simple. It’s allowed, it seems, to a certain extent for certain individuals because they I guess are part of the inner circle. I for one don’t understand the rush to delete anything. I’ve been procuring access to women’s vaginas since Hollywood on the southwest side. So any new laws mean absolute nothing to me because I have sense. They want site owners and workers associated with the enterprise. They could care less about getting the consumer. They only swallow up the consumer idiots who don’t use basic hooker procuring common sense. If one uses basic common sense being a “trick” nothing will ever happen to you. Our biggest worry honestly is will she provide the services I think she will, will she run off with my money or worse will she have someone there or close by to rob me or possibly worse.
I haven't figured out the multiple handle thing. I have no need to have more than one.
There are also a lot of newer handles that everyone knows....they have been here before.
No newbie comes in here knowledgeable without being on this board or one of the others previously.
Not sure why they want to hide that fact......unless they have something to hide.
I believe just the environment scares certain people and rightfully so. Some people like myself have a lot to lose and definitely have no desire to go to jail. I’ve never been there so I would be a fish out of water. Any newbie who comes here for the right reasons should get up to speed as quickly as possible and there are definitely certain providers to see who are more than willing to give someone information to make this adventure a little less precarious. Just be a gentleman and ask for some help and the lovely ladies of eccie will help you.
All of the "DELETE MY ACCOUNT" they realize the account is still there?
It only gets disabled. The handle, the posts and reviews will always be here on Eccie... Originally Posted by tbone2u
the ip address, the pms, the emails, ...

It’s a known fact that most of the eccie vets have several accounts that they set up. Simple. It’s allowed, it seems, to a certain extent for certain individuals because they I guess are part of the inner circle.... Originally Posted by Yabadabbado
I've always wondered how many of the multiple handle individuals were mods and admins just starting shit to start shit.

I haven't figured out the multiple handle thing. I have no need to have more than one.
.... Originally Posted by tbone2u
You're too smart. Sure you've figured it out. There's just psychos out there who just want to see the world burn. Sex addicts chief among them.

.... definitely have no desire to go to jail. I’ve never been there so I would be a fish out of water. ..... Originally Posted by Yabadabbado
And you're going to jail for what? Writing a review? As I've said many times before, the big problem is having the wife/girlfriend/employer find out about it. Soon, there will be very little anonymity. Your phone, computer and car can all be tracked.
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Unfortunately most aren't going anywhere, they're just getting rid of 2-3 out of their 5 accounts. Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz
Bingo!! LOL
You're so right, Sexy!

As well as some of the Mandles and shared accounts are slipping on their current postings lol very entertaining
RunTheCourse's Avatar
The Internet is written in ink
I'm not smart enough to try and fool people with another I see no need to have an extra one.
In my world most things are pretty much black or white. I don't see much gray.
htownhunter's Avatar
I don't see much gray. Originally Posted by tbone2u
Unless you look in the mirror.
Damn htownhunter...your mean my friend.
I can't see the gray in a mirror anymore because what's left is only on the back of my head.