I was on vacation in another state where news was not as readily available as it is today but the shock among all of us from Dallas was very tangible and hung in the air from that moment on and well after we flew back.
Even though the World Trade Towers had already been attacked prior to that day, due to the nearly insignificant damage compared to the OKC bombing or the utter destruction later, if the media had given a fraction of importance to what had already happened on our shores and elsewhere and people had been more alert, this may never have succeeded.
For a very detailed list of attacks against the US from as far back as the assassination of Lincoln till now, check this out. Sadly, 99% of the people reading this thread will not have heard of more than maybe 1% of these because our mainstream media doesn't deem most of these worthy of a news cycle.
Not sure why certain attacks like the two embassies and the attack on the USS Cole were not on that list.
A different breakdown and has more detail on each attack.
So much for a "religion of peace".
ANYONE who believes that bullshit needs to go find out why the Marine Corps hymm includes the words, "To the shores of Tripoli".