Obama Smears Romney and then Lies About It

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Obama: "Nobody Accused Mr. Romney Of Being A Felon"

Nancy Cordes, CBS: As you know, your opponent recently accused you of waging a campaign filled with anger and hate. You told Entertainment Tonight that anyone who attends your rallies can see that they are not angry or hate-filled affairs. But in recent weeks, your campaign has suggested repeatedly - without proof - that Mr. Romney might be hiding something in his tax returns. They have suggested that Mr. Romney might be a felon for the way that he handed over power of Bain Capital. And your campaign and the White House have declined to condemn an ad by one of your top supporters that links Mr. Romney to a woman's death from cancer. Are you comfortable with the tone being set with your campaign? Have you asked them to change their tone when it comes to defining Mr. Romney?

President Obama: Well, first of all, I am not sure that all of those characterizations that you laid out there were accurate. For example, nobody accused Mr. Romney of being a felon. And, I think that what is absolutely true is if you watch me on the campaign trail, here's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about how to put Americans back to work.
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  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2012, 01:34 PM
wheres the lie?
The Romney PACs should start pushing back with the same innuendo about Obama applying for colleges as a foreign student....and such.....

And hit back hard on the new revelations that Obama didn't want to kill OBL, and only did it because Hillary insisted it needed to be done for national security reasons.
joe bloe's Avatar
wheres the lie? Originally Posted by CJ7
"Nobody Accused Mr. Romney Of Being A Felon"
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  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2012, 01:50 PM
"Nobody Accused Mr. Romney Of Being A Felon" Originally Posted by joe bloe

nobody did

maybe you can provide a link from a credible source that quotes whoever called him a felon ???

cant you?
Word is Obama is so thin skinned that it wouldn't take much to crack him....Team Romney need to up the anty on the Chicago style campgain tactics.
I love the ads! They're all so over-the-top and bubbling with bullshit that it's better than Hillbilly Handfishin' or [fill in the name of your favorite reality show]! I especially like the one sponsored by some off-the-wall Democratic group that portrayed Romney pushing an old woman in a wheelchair off of a cliff! If someone has the nerve to make a Ryan Dancin' Naked Baby ad my life will be pretty good!
joe bloe's Avatar
nobody did

maybe you can provide a link from a credible source that quotes whoever called him a felon ???

cant you? Originally Posted by CJ7
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  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2012, 01:57 PM
http://www.therightscoop.com/krautha...omney-a-felon/ Originally Posted by joe bloe

someone from the actual Obama campaign, please

thank you
Obama chief spokeswoman Cutter called Romney a felon on a conference call with reporters......FACT.
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  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2012, 02:02 PM
Obama chief spokeswoman Cutter called Romney a felon on a conference call with reporters......FACT. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

im waiting
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  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2012, 02:05 PM
Cutter said back in July, when she suggested that Romney may have committed a felony

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/08/20/ob...#ixzz247Q0rDQn

thats not calling anyone a felon

maybe Joe is a homosexual and whirlie is his partner in life
That is accusing someone of being a felon; which is what the OP clearly states !

Obama lied when he said "No one accused Mr. Romney of being a felon."

Cutter accused Romney.
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  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2012, 02:11 PM
That is accusing someone of being a felon; which is what the OP clearly states !

Obama lied when he said "No one accused Mr. Romney of being a felon."

Cutter accused Romney. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

I suggest you may be a homeless person that steals to support a crack habit...