Skinny dipping is now a crime

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
First term Congressman Kevin Yoder is running unopposed for reelection. It now comes to light that last year he was in Israel with 20 other Congressmen and their wives. Some drinks were drank and swim was suggested in the Sea of Galilee. The Congressman didn't have a suit so he went in au natural. Embarassing? Maybe, anyone have a picture? A crime? Don't think so. Sacriligious? Hardly, the Sea of Galilee is also a source of water for Israel and has been for thousands of years. It is not a shrine except to idiots. My question is this, why was the FBI investigating this anyway? The FBI is for the United States. Was the FBI being used like cheap PIs to get the dirt on the GOP?
chefnerd's Avatar
I'm willing to bet that most, if not all, of the noise being generated about this is nothing more than political pandering. And yes that includes R+R being "outraged" by his behavior. As far as the FBI is concerned, in actuality, one's actions while outside the US borders can come back to haunt you if you happen to break some sort of US law somewhere. Just ask the guys who went overseas on a sex vacation to meet up with "providers not exactly of full legal age here". Guess where they are now, not exactly enjoying life in modern suburbia.
And yes I do mean that R+R's (Romney, Ryan) remarks were strictly political. There is the over-conservitive faction they do have to pander to known in the words of a minister I knew who coined the term WERF. Wild Eyed Religious Fanatic - one of the mainstays of their support and considering how reluctant many have been over the past months to support Romney, I can see where he would consider being "outraged" and calling the behavior "reprehensible" simply to pander to a certain group. Just like any politician would regardless of affiliation.
I hope they do not take me in for skinny dipping in the Panama Canal during the fall of 1971.
chefnerd's Avatar
Somehow I think you're reasonably safe on that one BT. At least until they decide to change the statute of limitations.
Somehow I think you're reasonably safe on that one BT. At least until they decide to change the statute of limitations. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Whew! I feel better now!!!!!
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually, he's being investigated for failing to timely report the lobbyist paid for trip to Cyprus that followed the trip where the skinny dipping occurred. I don't have the time to look up a cite, but it's been in the news for a while. The lobbyist has been arrested for some sort of arguably unrelated alleged bribery in the granting of State or local government construction contracts. The good Congressman failed to report the Cypress trip as required by law until the guy who,paid for it was arrested.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually, he's being investigated for failing to timely report the lobbyist paid for trip to Cyprus that followed the trip where the skinny dipping occurred. I don't have the time to look up a cite, but it's been in the news for a while. The lobbyist has been arrested for some sort of arguably unrelated alleged bribery in the granting of State or local government construction contracts. The good Congressman failed to report the Cypress trip as required by law until the guy who,paid for it was arrested. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
OMG, when I went to Panama, the government paid for my trip!
I didn't know Democrats cared so much about minor details as reporting meetings with lobbyists.....

We know Obama administration officals held multiple meetings outside the white house with lobbyists for the sole purpose of skirting laws requiring that the meetings be reported to the public.

Obama is still stonewalling questions regarding these meetings, and refuses to release logs of the meetings.

(At least it can be said that Yoder has been fully transparent in this issue.....)
First term Congressman Kevin Yoder is running unopposed for reelection. It now comes to light that last year he was in Israel with 20 other Congressmen and their wives. Some drinks were drank and swim was suggested in the Sea of Galilee. The Congressman didn't have a suit so he went in au natural. Embarassing? Maybe, anyone have a picture? A crime? Don't think so. Sacriligious? Hardly, the Sea of Galilee is also a source of water for Israel and has been for thousands of years. It is not a shrine except to idiots. My question is this, why was the FBI investigating this anyway? The FBI is for the United States. Was the FBI being used like cheap PIs to get the dirt on the GOP? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

gee barleyfart it is their law not ours.Call the Israeli embassy and protest...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Tushie, the FBI is investigating a Congressman named Grimm and not Yoder. Lets not start more unfounded rumors.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-21-2012, 10:11 AM
Skinny dipping, the audacity off it all. What will be next?? Trumped up at election time? That would be my guess, after all he is a republican.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-21-2012, 10:28 AM
the fbi jumped in to give the simpletons something to carp about and keep them busy while the rest of the world moves on
LexusLover's Avatar
I hope they do not take me in for skinny dipping in the Panama Canal during the fall of 1971. Originally Posted by bigtex
BT ... are you trying to rewrite history .. errr ... your history.