Election 2012: Why November Matters So Much

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What do you think?
In 11 short weeks, it will be time to exercise our rights-to go to the polls and vote. Not just for a candidate, or a party, but for the issues that really matter to working people.
Will you tell your friends what's at stake in November?
You've told us the things you care about-keeping good jobs here in America, having access to affordable health care, enjoying tax fairness, holding Wall Street accountable, ensuring great public schools for our kids and being able to depend on security when you retire. We need to make sure that these issues are at the heart of the election.
You know why these issues matter because you live with them every day. You understand the fear that you or a loved one will lose a job. You understand how it's getting harder to pay for health care and for keeping a roof over your head. You've seen the cutbacks at your kids' schools, and you've worried about whether you'll have enough to live on while you retire.
You've told us-now, will you tell everyone?
This election shouldn't be about multimillion dollar donations to shadowy groups. It shouldn't be about what's best for big corporations and the very richest. It needs to be about an America that works for everybody. Your vote matters because it's your chance to make an impact on your own life and your own community.

Dear Steven,
In 11 short weeks, it will be time to exercise our rights-to go to the polls and vote. Not just for a candidate, or a party, but for the issues that really matter to working people.
Will you tell your friends what's at stake in November?
You've told us the things you care about-keeping good jobs here in America, having access to affordable health care, enjoying tax fairness, holding Wall Street accountable, ensuring great public schools for our kids and being able to depend on security when you retire. We need to make sure that these issues are at the heart of the election.
You know why these issues matter because you live with them every day. You understand the fear that you or a loved one will lose a job. You understand how it's getting harder to pay for health care and for keeping a roof over your head. You've seen the cutbacks at your kids' schools, and you've worried about whether you'll have enough to live on while you retire.
You've told us-now, will you tell everyone?
This election shouldn't be about multimillion dollar donations to shadowy groups. It shouldn't be about what's best for big corporations and the very richest. It needs to be about an America that works for everybody. Your vote matters because it's your chance to make an impact on your own life and your own community.