New Orleans East Strip Club Raids

Don't know if anyone else here heard, but they raided Visions, Passions, and She-Shes. Theya re looking to shut down Passions for good, ATC is looking to permanently revoke their liquor license and even their premise license. They're gone now, with a for sale on the building. Visions and She Shes are closed until further notice.

Hobbyman28's Avatar
MFs got nothing better to do the sould be worried about violent crime not minor infractions like this
I got stopped at 3:30 am on the way to work, on I-10. They thought I was drinking and driving.
I didn't do anything wrong. I was driving speed limit. They checked my pockets and checked inside my car, then figures out I wasn't drinking. Then let me go.
They couldn't figure out why I was going to work at 3:30. Guess they think everyone works 8 the 5.
Their presence would be better suited in high crime areas, where it's really needed, like strip joints....
Raindog115's Avatar
This raid is a concern. I don't remember one being this coordinated or as comprehensive in recent memory. I'm not even sure they're done. I was set to go to an AMP last night but cancelled after reading this article.

This really stinks. Like THIS is the main problem we have in this city.
Here’s Advocate story. I think Raindog’s anxiety may be justified. Orleans amps may be raided next.
Hobbyman28's Avatar
So these clubs are closed for good or what?
The mayor said this is the first step to controlling the problem of gun violence in the city. WTF?

I can't tell you how many times I've gone to Visions and felt like shooting someone after a few lap dances, lol.
EXACTLY! meanwhile you got kids shooting each other over madden games. smh
this is nothing more than a political move. remember when the mayoral election in new orleans? strip clubs were being harrassed then. then, after the election the harrassing of strip clubs died down. now the mid term elections are coming up. now, every one wants their city to look all nice and shiny so they can get federal money for whoever senator and/or congressman they kiss up to! ITS ALL POLITICS!
Raindog115's Avatar
this is nothing more than a political move. remember when the mayoral election in new orleans? strip clubs were being harrassed then. then, after the election the harrassing of strip clubs died down. now the mid term elections are coming up. now, every one wants their city to look all nice and shiny so they can get federal money for whoever senator and/or congressman they kiss up to! ITS ALL POLITICS! Originally Posted by JIOVANNITHEMAN
Maybe. But I wouldn't at all be surprised if this is a Cantrell effort.
She's all about trying to clean up and flip seedy parts of town. She marveled at what Stacy Head did with Freret, and tried to duplicate it with a run down part of Washington and Broad. Now she has some real muscle to sweep things clean.
Most men not named Giuliani let vice prone areas slide. Not a woman.
we’re screwed! No craiglist, backpage, strip clubs...nothing
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you know I could not believe the New Orleans voters voted for a CA transplant mayor from Los Angeles over a native New Orleans.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Maybe. But I wouldn't at all be surprised if this is a Cantrell effort.
She's all about trying to clean up and flip seedy parts of town. She marveled at what Stacy Head did with Freret, and tried to duplicate it with a run down part of Washington and Broad. Now she has some real muscle to sweep things clean.
Most men not named Giuliani let vice prone areas slide. Not a woman. Originally Posted by Raindog115

Mayor Cantrell is trying to replicate what Jeff. Parish Councilwoman Cynthia Lee Sheng did to Fat City area, shut down all the strip clubs.

claimed that the clubs were magnet for crime.
new orleans residents always vote democrat...and she is a democrat. also, you dont have to be native born in a certian city or state to be elected, just reside in that area.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
new orleans residents always vote democrat...and she is a democrat. also, you dont have to be native born in a certian city or state to be elected, just reside in that area. Originally Posted by JIOVANNITHEMAN

I know they vote democrat, but I was just shocked that they would vote for a non-native over a native.

besides, Charbonnett is prettier than Cantrell.