Packin' heat

caseytx's Avatar
This is directed mainly to the ladies here, but comments from the guys are welcome.

We all have our concerns about the many aspects of safety and security. And most of us take measures to insure that we are comfortable before, during and after a session.

Question: How do you feel about a client who is trained and licensed to carry a hand gun bringing a concealed gun to a session?

I usually carry and have had varied reactions from ladies when they see the gun. From..."hey that's cool" freaked out . It's hard to keep it concealed when you are undressing.

I know Baby Doll is with me on 'bout the rest of you?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
It's one thing to have it in a purse but if I saw if on the lady I was about to get it on with I might get a little nervous. Hasn't happened to me yet so not entirely sure how I would feel.

However I am 100 percent for everyone carrying a firearm.

I wonder how the providers would react to seeing a client with a concealed hangun on a client they were about to see. I think most would ask them to leave.
Combustion's Avatar
Concealed wouldn't bother me, if she was planning on using it for more than protection it would be in her hands not holstered.

Besides, the only thing I bring is what I expect to need. No jewelry/wallet/extra cash.
I carry, but 99 percent of the time it stays in my vehicle. I only carry outside my vehicle when I feel I could be in a threatening situation. With regard to hobbying, I seldom put myself in a threatening situation. I don't want drama, with or without a firearm.
For the most part, I only see well reviewed girls. When I do see an unknown, call me arrogant or call me stupid, but I can smell drama or a pimp a mile away, and will get myself out of a situation like this in a hurry.
And similar to what Combustion said, on the slight chance my intuition is wrong, I don't bring anything into a session I wouldn't mind losing.
Raphael's Avatar
I don't want drama Originally Posted by GymRat

I only see well reviewed girls.
:ro flmao:
dearhunter's Avatar
I'm packing a single shot........anything else seems like work.
When you are issued a Concealed Carry Permit, there are a multitude of resposibilities that go with it.

One is, if you commit any crime higher than a Class C Mistameaner (sp) while armed, you have just commited a Class A Mistomeaner. If you are in a Hotel with a Client, and do for what ever reason have to display your Firearm, and the Police determine that you were there in an unlawfull activity, you are in a lot of trouble.

I have a friend who was pulled over, there was a open can of beer, (open container law), the Police discovered that he also had a Concealed Permit, he ended up getting filed on for violation of the Concealed Carry Act, ended up with about $8000 dollars in fines, (plus the Lawyer), and a years Probation.

We had a thread on this just a week or so ago, and the National Statistics show that the average out of pocket cost for any citizen with a Concealed Permit actually having to legally shoot someone is in excess of $250,000.

This is very serious business.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I am really all for everyone carrying a firearm but not for the license to carry it.
Jackie S makes a valid point BUT if the place is owned by the one who has the firearm then that firearm can be displayed, I don't know for sure but apartments may be included.

About legally using a firearm... there are Law firms that sell very reasonable insurance against criminal and civil actions, go to any gun show to get details. Having said that, it is FAR cheaper to let a thief steal your car (or whatever) than to 'stop' him with a bullet.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I have no problem letting a thief take what they want. But not someone who wants to harm me, family or someone I'm with, permit or no permit.

:ro flmao: Originally Posted by Raphael

I prefaced my remarks by saying, "for the most part." Seems like you would want to bury the hatchet by now? Up until now, I have suppressed my urge to say that I got additional PM's from women who said you do indeed have hygiene issues. That makes 4 to date! I can move on, can you?
wallstreet's Avatar
seems like it might be better to have the firearm without the permit.
When you are issued a Concealed Carry Permit, there are a multitude of resposibilities that go with it.

One is, if you commit any crime higher than a Class C Mistameaner (sp) while armed, you have just commited a Class A Mistomeaner. If you are in a Hotel with a Client, and do for what ever reason have to display your Firearm, and the Police determine that you were there in an unlawfull activity, you are in a lot of trouble.

I have a friend who was pulled over, there was a open can of beer, (open container law), the Police discovered that he also had a Concealed Permit, he ended up getting filed on for violation of the Concealed Carry Act, ended up with about $8000 dollars in fines, (plus the Lawyer), and a years Probation.

We had a thread on this just a week or so ago, and the National Statistics show that the average out of pocket cost for any citizen with a Concealed Permit actually having to legally shoot someone is in excess of $250,000.

This is very serious business. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yea, it is a very sticky situation in the escort biz. Because regardless if you have a concealed license to carry you could still be the one going to jail even if you had to use it to defend yourself. Charges like "Deadly conduct" can be filed if you pulled it out, or fired it off in a hotel or apartment.

See link
Raphael's Avatar
I prefaced my remarks by saying, "for the most part." Seems like you would want to bury the hatchet by now? Up until now, I have suppressed my urge to say that I got additional PM's from women who said you do indeed have hygiene issues. That makes 4 to date! I can move on, can you? Originally Posted by GymRat
The lower end slave, stuck with the lower end whores, slandering what he cannot equal

:ro flmao:
  • anita
  • 10-02-2010, 02:38 PM
I understand the client cares about his safety,but, if he knows already that I am not crazy,a thief etc then it would be better he leaves the gun elsewhere as it may make me uncomfortable.