Hacker? Virus? Unsure, but . . .

This is absolut.

My email of record is rgreenmont@yahoo.com.
I have contacted no one by this email account other than to request a session.
So if you have received an email from the rgreenmont@yahoo.com account with any thing other than text (such as attachments, or a pix), or if it has no message but only a link of any kind,


Apparently a hacker has gotten into my contacts file, and has sent out some bogus emails.

I was apprised by an eccie friend that she had received one or more spam emails from that email address. I have asked that friend to email those of you who were listed on the email she received. But others may have been targeted, too.

The most recent email she received had an HTML link.

As a matter of course, you should ALWAYS delete such a link when it comes in unexpected. Hyper Terminal Language is always bad news, except when you KNOW the source and purpose.


I have scanned my own computer and found NO viruses, trojan horse files, etc.

I hope this is a non-event and passes without damage.

Good luck.

By the way, I changed all the password and entry protocols for all my accounts this evening. It may be too little too late, but it is a start.

I may be changing the account of record for my eccie account.

Again, good luck, and play safely.

Best regards,

Htowner's Avatar
I have been getting Viagra links from my brother's Hotmail account for a while now, sent to everyone in his contact list.
If such thing happens to you , I suggest take out anyone that is work related or sensitive out of your contact list so at least they won't receive those. The automatic assumption is that you have picked such viruses or worms or adware/malwares while visiting such sites.
I know one other person on Yahoo who went through the same thing as well.
I've been getting identical emails from several people in my non-hobby account all saying they're stranded in a London airport without cash or credit cards and need money wired.

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I never realized that I had so many 'friends' in Nigeria that want to make me rich.
kilngod's Avatar
A few months back, I had my Yahoo account hacked and everyone in my contact list was asked to send money to London. I found out that none of my friends are willing to send me $1550 with a simple email. I think I need to find better friends.
  • anita
  • 10-16-2010, 08:53 PM
I never realized that I had so many 'friends' in Nigeria that want to make me rich. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Lol,me too. Even 'western union' wants me to get millions BUT by checks lool. Interesting. They are very inspired.
We all have been hacked.
Just thinking that this community having been linked might be interested to know, and might have ideas about what response is needed.
Apparently no response is needed to this non-event, for which we all might be grateful.
yahoo and hotmail accounts have been having this issue for some time and they have been slow on doing anything. The best current advise it to delete any contacts you do not reconize and change the password.

If it is a hobby account, then just purge it.

keep your password a minimum of 8 characters, with letter, symbols and numbers.
IE, @ for A so have something like T0p-G!rl where Zero is the O, and ! is the I.

if you run XP/Vista then Msoft has a good scanner, it will to AV, malware etc.
it can take a while to wrong

if you get those popups wanting you to by fake products, download and run the following.
If you have some tech savvy in you and do not need Windows for anything specific I would recommend Ubuntu Linux. 1st, it looks alot like Windows (can even be customized to look like XP) 2nd, Although you have ROOT access on the machine, to install you must re enter the ROOT password, a virus cannot do that.. and most virus's are targeting Windows. 3rd its FREE!

If your hobby pc is mainly browsing, webmail and instant messenger, I would look into this. IM's are handled via Pidgeon IM client (all IMs.. AOL, Yahoo MSN, ICQ)
and email, it has Evolution which looks like Outlook in a way, yet can directly link to GMAIL and its calendar. Not to mention your corporate Exchange server.
pyramider's Avatar
Am I the only one that continually gets spam promoting product that will make my boobs bigger?