DarthMaul's Avatar
I may be out of line here but....Let's say you see a Provider and she gives you something "outside her menu"? She may like you??

For instance "Greek Is Not On The Menu" and then you go in and "You get Greek"! Don't be dumb enough to write that shit in your review!! You'll never get it again!

Rate for 1 hour $$ or $$.5 or $$$ You go in and you get a 2 hr session for $$. Don't be dumb enough to write that shit in your review!! You'll never get it again! - She is not a clock watcher is good enough!

NO KISSING - You go in and you get DFK/LFK/TUYA. Don't write that shiggidy in your review..Shhh keep it to yourself or you'll never get it again!

I am saying this because once you write that in your review, then every mofo in the next 3 counties will say " XXXXXX wrote a review and he got Greek, why can't I have Greek?" Well, you have screwed it up for him and you!!

Stick to her menu in your review or ask "Do you want a review and what's not ok for me to mention?" One of my first reviews..MANY MOONS AGO...was with someone who didn't offer "DATY" and I got "DATY"..Well, she said "Don't write that in your review. Every perve in town will be asking for it."

To this day...No one knows...that's when the YMMV starts and so does the shiggidy!
Well said Darth.....
Meoauniaea's Avatar
Yes, one popular lady chastized me for mentioning that she allowed a facial.
srvfin's Avatar
Dude.... hammer.... nail head..... Nuff said.....
abdclub's Avatar
DM. So true!!

caramelqtee mila's Avatar
Let the church say amen baby! THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST THREADS EVER ! He is a mod and a smart one listen to him fellas truer words have never been spoken. Thats why its called ymmv meaning when you get something good and not on the menu zip it,enjoy it ,and you will keep getting it. Good advice Darth
This should be guidelines somewhere
  • cg00
  • 10-13-2010, 01:56 AM
What Icey said.

Bye the way, ICEY's avatar is making my head spin.

Okay I deserve a warning for steering this thread about ICEY's ass and tan lines. Can you blame me?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Yep been there and have yet to have to have any provider tell me WTF why did you put that in your review.

Good Thread
Sounds oddly famiiar... I am a Fan of "STFU" thats for sure.
wallstreet's Avatar
always a question of what detail you share.

sharing info that might be unique is both bad for you (as provider may not see you again) and for the reader, bc this may not be available to them.

this is NOT the same thing as white-knight-ing
Toreador_one's Avatar
In full agreement. However the only issue is that many providers do not advertise what is on the menu. so many hobbysts assume that what they see in the reviews is the menu.

Should ladies put in their ads what is on the menu? as much as we hobbysts would answer hell yes, the truth is that it may not be a wise move. It has been stated before that some ladies may limit their menu depending on the cleanliness of the hobbysts, something they may see or else.

Many here are against the concept of YMMV, to me is real, reasonable and I accept it. I made it a point in some of my reviews that, if I felt an activity I received may not be in the regular menu, I followed that activity with YMMV, so others would not go expecting that. Some hobbysts sometimes forget we are dealing with ladies, not objects.
DarthMaul's Avatar
Many here are against the concept of YMMV, to me is real, reasonable and I accept it. I made it a point in some of my reviews that, if I felt an activity I received may not be in the regular menu, I followed that activity with YMMV, so others would not go expecting that. Some hobbysts sometimes forget we are dealing with ladies, not objects. Originally Posted by Toreador_one
Well said T1...That's why I always take your input as "da truth"!

Also...Some of you may want to ask if a "review" is even wanted! I can't recall the # of times we have had to remove reviews that weren't wanted..names were mentioned at some establishment (nail places, message places and even at a SC) families have found out and been...people have been fired!

A number of times hobbyists' faces have been shown in a picture place in a thread or review. We have had to go back and remove pics. PLEASE ASK SOME QUESTIONS FIRST BEFORE WRITING A REVIEW!!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Lot of good input here. I was thinking the same thing myself. A lot of ladies don't put a full menu on there ads or sites. I think Eccie showcase should have a spot like p411 has telling clients what they like or allow. That is a big help. I let my p411 lapse so don't have access to that at the moment but eccie works pretty good for me so far except for that one detail.