Hey guys looks like I can't make the trip to Houston

justice4fun's Avatar
Due to none interest in seeing me. Enjoy the rest of the week.
what did you consult your GFELALA too? Ok
angelinadream, we live in the same apts lol so we try to travel together it saves gas and hotel expenses. so im really not understanding what you ment by what you posted just now?????
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Don't worry .. no one ever understands anything she posts.
justice4fun's Avatar
Excuse me???ummm just what is she trying to say?I felt like it's the right to do to let the know if a provider will not travel so they will not be expecting......

I had no idea that a provider would post something negative like she did, wow very interesting to why she woud care what another provider does in this situation.lol wow
DarthMaul's Avatar
Closed...The information that needed to be passed on..was passed on.