Profile of anyone

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Profile of a provider

On the main board there is a thread called "Profile of a Provider". If you want to look click the link. But what he is looking to do is make a profile of what most providers fit. Thinking of all that I have met from the old now gone Silver Fox, and the AC. And the few that I have met on the old board. Even the ones I have never met but have email, PMed, chated with on the phone, and even met but never had BCD time with. I just can not think of one thing the same about the providers that I however know, that is the same with all. Other than the other side of this hobby.

Some smoke other do not. Some drink(one to much) others do not etc.etc. etc. No matter what I think of, nothing fits to so many that one can say is part of a profile of a provider.

To illustrate further from your own example, I would say that the average woman tends to be much more conservative than a provider.

I would also say that the average woman leads a slower and more quiet lifestyle than a provider who lives life in the fast lane. Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I did reply to the above quote in that thread before I went out last night.

After going to the AC to rub it in that I look to have all the winners for this round of hockey playoffs and a bit to eat at the tip top. I go to a strip club. I girl that I saw a was there for her 3rd or 4th week at it. She looked way out of place up on stage. In the past I tried to get her to give a buck to other dancers for me. She would not do it. Ok so I'm a ass, so I gave dollars to the other dancers and the gay girls that go to that bar to give to her. Last night she looked alot better doing what is done on stage. So I go up to give her a buck. As she has her head resting on my chest. Another dancer joins in to give me a realy good show. I say I think we have company. She says I like company. I thinking how much she has changed in a short time. So I ask for the private dance. She would not before but tells me yes. So at the end of that 1 lap dance I say are you just a good tease in your real life. She gos on to thank me for helping her to loosen up the past few weeks. And she gives me real name and stage name, all bout her kids. What she dos for the PTA. More than I ever wanted to know. I check some of what I was told and for where she lives she is high up the food chain in the PTA. A stripper on the PTA. How can any of the providers or strippers be put in a profile.

Even us guys on this board can not be put in a profile as I see it.

Oh and last night was HS Ball night. Guess where many of the teachers ended up after the older kids went home(wink wink). Well many of the male and female teachers went to the local strip club. I had lots of fun teaching female teachers how to give a buck to a stripper.
  • Chloe
  • 05-23-2010, 09:17 PM
I get the opposite question from you gentlemen a lot. The question of what you all have in common, what is the usual type. I answer there is not one person I have met like the other. Everyone is uniquly different, I believe it must be the same with providers.

For some I am their thing and others I am not, that goes I am sure for all the other girls and guys providing. But none of us are the same: tall/short, very thin/very large, xtra lg chest/barely there, all ethnicities, smoker/non smoker, drugs/no drugs, alcohol/no alcohol, educated/not educated, brunette/blond, scamer/for real .....I could go on for days of just the providers I know and also . . . put those contexts onto the clients as well.

The common thing? We all believe in the freedom to love or have sex with whomever we choose under any context we choose. I think that's it.