Get Ready! The Banks Are Gonna Fail! (Video)

HoHound's Avatar
Anyone else listen to Mannarino? I've been listening to him for a couple years almost. Some of you might argue that this topic doesn't belong in a political forum. If the banks fail, there will be political fallout, I assure you.
winn dixie's Avatar
Not gonna happen.
This is coming from very alt right folk that also think we're in a great depression.
One can find anything on YouTube for sure.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Have fun burying your money in a yard. I'll keep my pennies in the banks where they are at now, but thanks for sharing the cuckoo bird hardly insightful video about the future of banks. LOL
ManSlut's Avatar
Are the banks going to fail before or after our civil war? Maybe it will occur after the cabal of cannibalistic, Satanic ***** molesters are exposed, and OrangeMan, who has humbly and secretly fought them behind the scenes, defeats & kills them for all to see on his Truth Social network or on a Steve Bannon Live podcast.

Remember, “Where we go one, we go all”
ManSlut's Avatar
My opinion #2, a lot less sarcastic:

What this crank Mannarino wants to happen is for everyone to get spooked, like him, and rush to their bank and jerk out all of their money, which just about every dumbass knows, would cause the banking system to totally collapse in about 5 minutes, making the money you had to rush and withdraw, near worthless!

Bravo, bravo, more Crankist Shit that is just WHACK! What a waste of 15 mins of my life watching that worthless video. Actually it wasn’t total worthless, it proved there really is a sucker born every minute…Not to mention this 58 yr old financial genius only has a net worth of $3M and he believes in investing in the Make Believe Invisible Product of CRYPTO CURRENCIES!

And he’s written a classic piece of literature (a book for those Crankily Challenged) about his can’t lose blackjack winning strategy and not counting cards to do so!!
HoHound's Avatar
I keep enough money in the bank to pay bills and that's all. Stacking gold and silver coins is the best strategy to reduce risk from failing banks and rising inflation. If you believe the federal government, deep state media, and the corporations have your best interest, YOU are the brain dead conspiracy theorist. Have fun wiping your ass with those worthless dollars.
ICU 812's Avatar
The informed judgement on bank stability is comforting.

Is there any prudence in keeping some fraction of my net worth in something tangible such as Art or precious metals?
ICU 812's Avatar
The strong recommendation by others for hoarding gold is unsettling.

I bought US Savings Bonds at work for years, by setting aside a small-ish amount every paycheck. In the 1990s this was considered to be a "bad" investment. Maybe it still is by some standards. More recently, those bonds in the safety deposit box have done better than my bank CDs though. We just redeemed some and bought an SUV for cash.

Shpuld I now be buying gold coins?
DNinja69's Avatar
If the banks fail there will be people who are equipped and mentally ready to navigate the lawless landscape and those who are not. I don't think it is going to happen during any of our lifetime but then again I did not believe Roe V Wade would be overturned or a former President facing multiple counts stemming from election fraud would be taken seriously as a candidate either until they happened. Either way these are things to prepare for not worry about
ICU 812's Avatar
Do we need a Prepper forum on ECCIE?
The strong recommendation by others for hoarding gold is unsettling.

I bought US Savings Bonds at work for years, by setting aside a small-ish amount every paycheck. In the 1990s this was considered to be a "bad" investment. Maybe it still is by some standards. More recently, those bonds in the safety deposit box have done better than my bank CDs though. We just redeemed some and bought an SUV for cash.

Shpuld I now be buying gold coins? Originally Posted by ICU 812
I've always heard Gold and Silver were good sound investments. The way things are getting while you're protecting your wealth with Gold and Silver investments protect your life by investing in Brass too.
I've always heard Gold and Silver were good sound investments. The way things are getting while you're protecting your wealth with Gold and Silver investments protect your life by investing in Brass too. Originally Posted by Levianon17

What about tin?
And to stay on topic banks will not be closing anytime soon.
What about tin?
And to stay on topic banks will not be closing anytime soon. Originally Posted by golferguy55
That kind of skipped right over the top of your head, lol.
ManSlut's Avatar
What the New, and Not So Improved OP, Cheap Charlie and the crank financial influencer in the video, worth a whopping $3M, fails to realize or comprehend is that the Government’s job sometimes is to protect us and sometimes from ourselves. We are a capitalist democracy and our financial system is tied to the success of this system. Can you imagine if the general public was made aware of every detail of which institutions weren’t doing as good a job with their banking institutions the chaos it would create would crumble everyone, including the solid institutions.

No one, that I know of in the private industry tells their clients, “Well, we had a very bad 3rd quarter, so bad, we may have to significantly downsize or close the doors. But nevermind the shop talk, let’s talk about you buying some product, the more the better, right?”

That kind of skipped right over the top of your head, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I don’t think it did, you are probably recommending brass because it has high value to make large & small shell casings in the event of a military conflict which seems inevitable, and he may be referencing tin because it would be highly sought after in a military conflict to make food tins.

Or more likely he meant tin, because as evident by this forum there is a growing demand for tin foil hats…So maybe that went over your head?
What the New, and Not So Improved OP, Cheap Charlie and the crank financial influencer fails to realize or comprehend is that Government’s job sometimes is to protect us and sometimes from ourselves. We are a capitalist democracy and our financial system is tied to the success of this system. Can you imagine if the general public was made aware of every detail of which institutions weren’t doing as good a job with their banking institutions the chaos it would create would crumble everyone, including the solid institutions.

I don’t think it did, you are probably recommending brass because it has high value to make large & small shell casings in the event of a military conflict which seems inevitable, and he may be referencing tin because it would be highly sought after in a military conflict to make food tins. Originally Posted by ManSlut
I don't think so. Food can be packaged in hermetically sealed pouches for longer shelf life and it's cheaper and less toxic.