IOP... Is every girl full of shit?

SexiKenni's Avatar
Do u guys really think that all providers are faking any and all enjoyment during appointments? From the comments I read it seems like it.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 10-21-2015, 09:09 AM
I think most providers enjoy sex to some degree. I'm sure they enjoy it more with some people compared with others. I know when I'm with a provider I try to give her the best 90 seconds of her day. I'm just kidding....I don't really try.

Anyway there are a ton of reviews that say just how good many providers are and how they seem to have a good time and provide a good "Illusion of Passion" That's just a term used to indicate that we at least think the provider was into us. If they do it right we don't know if they enjoyed their time or had an average time. But there are plenty of reviews that indicate the provider was into the session.
Of course they are, at least the ones who provide IOP anyway. Let's face it, if we were not paying, would you have sex, much less passionate sex with a perfect stranger and/or a guy who you would not look twice at if you saw him in public? No way in Hell! Trouble is, many providers do not even do IOP, as there is virtually no interaction during BCD activities and what actions there are, they seemed forced, so in reality, no, I do not think that providers enjoy what they do, but the ones who do seem that they enjoy their work are giving the IOP you are talking about, and very rare is the case when the provider gives off true passion.

It is not a matter if a guy knowing how to eat pussy well and/or he is a good fuck, because in this line of work, lots of girls, but certainly not all, are jaded to the common opinion by hookers that all johns are nothing more than wallets, and do their best to mentally detach themselves from the situation and even if they are enjoying themselves so they do not really want get involved in the moment, and they will always enjoy the money more.

In this business, everyone knows why you are spreading your legs, it is all about the money, not really the enjoyment, and with some rare exceptions, there is no passion involved, illusion or otherwise. Maybe there was when you first started providing in that you get to have your cake and eat it too, but as time passes, so does the joy for the most part and you become numb, but as I said, not in all cases. What separates the ladies from just a provider and an ATF type provider who gets the repeat visits is how good of a faker she is. It does not mean that a guy got a nut, there is way more to a full service session than getting him in, on, off and out.
SexiKenni's Avatar
Damn u guys are jaded. So what I'm getting is that all of guys think u are bad in bed... Lol that's fucked up. I have had a few clients who have made me cum, definitely not all but enough. It's all about pushing the right buttons. And some of u are some very good button pushers. U guys should believe in yourselves more
Hercules's Avatar
Even if she's just putting on a good show she gets points for taking pride in being a good provider. If she actually is enjoying herself then gravy.
Just because I wouldn't have sex with a perfect stranger for free .... ( honestly, I have..but that is another story) doesn't meant that I don't enjoy it when I get paid.

In fact, the opposite is true. I love sex and I love getting paid to do what I love. It is a win win for the both of us.

To all you jaded gentlemen..if you discovered that you could get paid to have sex with ladies..wouldn't you jump on it? If so, why judge us for doing exactly what you would do?

You guys act like we don't have hearts or feelings. I am sure that there are some ladies out there who hate what they do... and maybe they are award winning actresses...but there are some who genuinely like people and love intimacy on top of that.

Good thing that none of y'all are interested in me. Guys who are jaded and have such a negative feeling about women are a HUGE turn off.
SexiKenni's Avatar
Just because I wouldn't have sex with a perfect stranger for free .... ( honestly, I have..but that is another story) doesn't meant that I don't enjoy it when I get paid.

In fact, the opposite is true. I love sex and I love getting paid to do what I love. It is a win win for the both of us.

To all you jaded gentlemen..if you discovered that you could get paid to have sex with ladies..wouldn't you jump on it? If so, why judge us for doing exactly what you would do?

You guys act like we don't have hearts or feelings. I am sure that there are some ladies out there who hate what they do... and maybe they are award winning actresses...but there are some who genuinely like people and love intimacy on top of that.

Good thing that none of y'all are interested in me. Guys who are jaded and have such a negative feeling about women are a HUGE turn off. Originally Posted by Reese Foster

Couldn't have said it better myself! Reese, if I'm not mistaken, u were around in the ASPD days, is it just me or are the hobbyist alot more jaded/ negative than they used to be?
Hercules's Avatar
If you discovered that you could get paid to have sex with ladies..wouldn't you jump on it?. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
I'm really afraid to see what a woman that would pay me for sex looks like.....
blowmypop23's Avatar
Some of You dudes just put way to much thought into hobbying. Nothing good can come from looking behind the curtain. If you are enjoying yourself and you left with a smile why does it matter?

You will hardly ever get honest 100% true feedback from something ne who's job is to provide you a fantasy. It's bad for business so you'll get fantasy answers or no answers.

In reality some ladies may enjoy it and some just do it for the $$ but who cares as long as you enjoy it and got your $$'s worth.
blowmypop23's Avatar

To all you jaded gentlemen..if you discovered that you could get paid to have sex with ladies..wouldn't you jump on it? If so, why judge us for doing exactly what you would do?

f. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
No, not unless I was attracted to her. I can't fuck what I'm not attracted too. For ladies you can just lube up but for us we have to be hard. $$ won't make me hard and isn't a motivator. I spend $$ to fuck chicks I'm attracted to. Plus I'm very risk averse so there's no way in hell I would risk getting poped and having a record that would fuck up my ability to make a good living.
daty/o's Avatar
Why would it be the girls who are full of shit? They aren't the ones paying for an illusion.

bmp, I don't think hobbling is the word you're looking for.
Couldn't have said it better myself! Reese, if I'm not mistaken, u were around in the ASPD days, is it just me or are the hobbyist alot more jaded/ negative than they used to be? Originally Posted by SexiKenni
Yes, I was around back in good ole ASPD days... and I think there were probably just as many jaded guys back then. The only difference is how the guys express it these days.
I think the guys on Eccie are way more open about how they feel about women in general now. Which is a good helps with screening. They aren't really worried about being so negative, because there are so many women to choose from and a lot of those women don't read the board or they don't care about his attitude, as long as they get paid.

I'm really afraid to see what a woman that would pay me for sex looks like..... Originally Posted by Hercules

No, not unless I was attracted to her. I can't fuck what I'm not attracted too. For ladies you can just lube up but for us we have to be hard. $$ won't make hard and isn't a motivator. I spend $$ to fuck chicks I'm attracted to. Plus I'm very risk averse so there's no way in hell I would risk getting poped and having a record that would fuck up my ability to make a good living. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
My pussy works just fine, no matter what he looks like, as long as a gentlemen is sensual and takes his time getting me ready. I wish you guys had the same benefit.

My point was "IF you could" without all of those factors you listed.. IF you could... would you?
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-21-2015, 11:09 AM
If you're old with a soft dick, she's faking it, if you have a big fat cock, she's loving it
bojulay's Avatar
Girl I had a "Rag Doll" session with and she was so giddy sex drunk
afterward that she forgot her donation on the dresser, and was
kind of stumbling down the hallway going the wrong way when
I caught her.

Brought her back inside and had her drink a bottled water while
she gained back her composure.

I don't think she was faking.