Where would I post a thread for providers only?

lil_michelle's Avatar
I just had a few questions for the providers here in Dallas and didn't know where to ask it.

Thank you
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
I believe you have to be a verified provider to have access to the womens powder room.To be verified you have to have 2 to 3 reviews and or someone that knows you to vouch for you.I would be more then happy to help you on your provider status Michelle .LMAO. You will most likely need to P.M. them individually untill you are verified.You might also check out chat and you could do a private chat with some of the ladies. There are many here that will be more then happy to help you. Shea, Fawn, Tara and Original Becky are some good ones.
lil_michelle's Avatar
Hi Horseman!! How are you?
Thanks for the answer.. I am going to try messaging a few that have been really sweet to me. Thank you I would try chat but I cant keep up with all those damn little boxes that pop up!!! LOL
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
I can understand that Michelle. You seem to be very popular.LOL.