Since Eccie might shut down.

Here’s some of my info so y’all can keep in touch
Hopefully it’s all a bunch of bullshit but ladies you can post your info too.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Where did you get that info from, the site might be shut down?

I don't follow the board much these days..
Fancyinheels's Avatar
^^^ Yep. Here's another article of relevance:

Even though such legislation is aimed at preventing human trafficking and underage sexploitation, it will affect ALL online adult sites. I imagine ECCIE would just move servers to a country that doesn't care (if this hasn't been done already), although the board might be blocked by individual Internet service providers. Access will likely still "open wide" after a fee is paid for each site (woohoo, that could get expensive for the particularly lusty), but then we'll all be on some Big Brother list.

Difficult to regulate the World Wide Web, but there will always be groups of people trying to force their own morality down the throats of others.
They’ve already shut down one site cityvibe
Fancyinheels's Avatar
They’ve already shut down one site cityvibe Originally Posted by CaseyKK
Well, there was a lot going on with CV, possible money laundering like the defunct Redbook, so I'm not shocked.

BP had to change drastically as governmental and organizational groups escalated pressure against the escort listings, but it's survived. (So far.)

I think there will be workarounds, and ECCIE seems adaptable, taking measures over time as necessary. Let us hope that the board owners and admin, their legal reps, and the tech team are on top of this.

Nothing new here;
one side always loses in a loud rumble. Portions of the population want to support human rights how THEY see fit, while another segment, the consenting adult Hobby/Porn participants, will find their rights to free speech, imagery, work, and recreation trampled flat. Would be nice if a fair and practical compromise could be reached, but that rarely happens when there's so much hype and moral righteousness involved.
^^^ All we can do is hope. I'm sure there are petitions to vote against it, but not quite sure it would make a difference.

I have been procrastination on designing a website but it's best to make one.. Rather be safe than sorry.
I know a lot of y'all use Instagram and that sort of thing. What about kik or whatsapp to keep in touch? I personally use kik a lot.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Related thread, more news links:

Looks like it's going forward. Yep, as Alyssa's doing, wouldn't hurt providers to take some precautionary promotional steps to institute an independent presence. However, DO NOT go with website designers who specialize in creating/hosting escort sites, as those will likely be automatically blocked. Choose a site-building/publishing company that can slide an adult-oriented webpage past censor programs. (I use Wix, myself. Lots of templates. It's just a one-pager now directing to ECCIE, but I had no problem when it was the Full Monty.) Might also be wise for ladies to save those XXX-intimately graphic photos for private galleries they can give interested parties passwords to open. Show skin, but not ALL of it right off the bat!

The WebWorld is a-changing. I hear my retirement rocker at the Ol' Ho's Home beckoning more insistently.
Slimphat's Avatar
This is all about politics and money. Nothing to do with morals in my humble opinion. There’s too much money being put into sex trafficking so now they’re going after everything. All of you ladies are victims. All of the John’s are just evil mongers that pray upon the innocent.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
This is all about politics and money. Nothing to do with morals in my humble opinion. There’s too much money being put into sex trafficking so now they’re going after everything. All of you ladies are victims. All of the John’s are just evil mongers that pray upon the innocent. Originally Posted by Slimphat

Same thing for the subject-that-shall-not-be-mentioned medical/recreational commodity that is now welcome in many states and spreading but is currently federally prohibited. Feds should think about the tax revenue, but certain companies with monopolies and bottomless buttloads of funds are powerfully strong lobbyists against as full legalization would cut into their profits. (Yes, please. I'll take the points peacefully.)
No foooking worries eccas and eccos, this shidd could go either way. The price you ladies could charge then could go up, if they push it deeper underground. Shine already has a treasure trove of sexy female persuasions to fall back on. Got one purty laday beating my do down now. Hey boo boo, wait a minute, Shine works in a rotation. Or that block or track might get hot again. I personally wud miss my lil neighborhood.....
No foooking worries eccas and eccos, this shidd could go either way. The price you ladies could charge then could go up, if they push it deeper underground. Shine already has a treasure trove of sexy female persuasions to fall back on. Got one purty laday beating my do down now. Hey boo boo, wait a minute, Shine works in a rotation. Or that block or track might get hot again. I personally wud miss my lil neighborhood..... Originally Posted by shinepro
NordicJag's Avatar
If they were truly interested in controlling sex trafficking, then they should legalize and regulate the sex industry. Unfortunately they are more interested in politics and who will put money into their war chests.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Yeah, everyone should have already been doing this, but also make sure you're conducting your business through a VPN that doesn't keep logs of who's accessing it and switch your email addresses away from Yahoo & Gmail (which are have been known to cave in to the US government requests for info).

Protonmail is a secure, free email service. I've heard good things about SafeOffice as well, but I believe you have to pay for that one.