On the rise;

Tiffany banks's Avatar
Hello gentlemen and lovely ladies, I want to state that I am not new to this, as many of you may be able to tell I Have been on here before (as another name) if not then, i want to let everyone know that I Tiffany Banks am here to stay, I recently just got out of a SB/SD relationship with betadad2270, i have been informed that he has personally attacked many of the men on this site saying stay away.. he is a huge problem in my life. he harasses me, my best friend (miss o) My ex boyfriend , which he sent videos to my significant other of him recording us doing activities (against my will) i stated to him when we were involved that i did not appreciate pics taken and he went behind my back and hid one in the room , and end result he did WIN , my boyfriend did leave me however not too sad about it, IM IN MY PRIME. this man is a real life stalked i have tired to be the mature one about even though my age is half his age but i can not take the harassment, he will not leave me alone he is a bad bad man, some may look down upon this post however , We do not allow the retransmission of private correspondence.
#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed. MA.
At the end of the day I’m here to stay, if you have heard anything from this bad man please contact marcus immediately , I’m so sick of this stalking and TRUST me i have done what i can do keep him away but he will just not leave me be. i am to the point of relocating areas because of it.

help me, by helping you keeping us safe!


Tiffany Banks.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Just so everyone knows. I've taken this thread to Collis Capitōlīnus.
I will await Jupiter's response.
You do what you need to do so you can be safe and secure, Tiffany. I think you know this small Nebraska community has your back.
John Bull's Avatar
This drama has taken place off site for the most part. That part of it that has transpired here has been dealt with. There will be no further postings concerning this. Drama from outside Eccie is to remain outside Eccie.