The leading cause of death in the United States last week was cardiac arrest

  • Tiny
  • 12-06-2020, 09:15 AM
Yes that's right, not a single person died in the USA last week from Covid or cancer. They all died from cardiac arrest.

The leading cause of cardiac arrest last week was Covid. More people died last week as a result of Covid than cancer or heart disease.

Many hospitals are overloaded. They're telling some people they'd normally admit to go home and come back later if they get sicker. That happened to a daughter of a friend of mine week before last. The emergency room sent her home the first time. She came back when her oxygen saturation was below 60 and they let her stay.

We have two vaccines that are 95% effective. We won't have to get to herd immunity the hard way. Seventy percent of the population won't have to be infected with the disease and hundreds of thousands more won't have to die. In another six months this will be over.

Where I'm going with this, it doesn't make a lot of sense blaming this on Donald Trump or Mario Cuomo or the mayor or the CDC or the FDA and leaving it at that. We individually don't have any control over who our leaders are, or the ability of our institutions to deal with this crisis. All we can do is exercise common sense to try to keep from getting the disease or giving it to others -- avoid crowded indoor settings, try to stay 6 feet away from others, stay home if we're sick until we're tested, wash hands, and wear a mask, preferably an N95 or KN95 mask. I buy mine here,
matchingmole's Avatar
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yes that's right, not a single person died in the USA last week from Covid or cancer. They all died from cardiac arrest.

The leading cause of cardiac arrest last week was Covid. More people died last week as a result of Covid than cancer or heart disease.

Many hospitals are overloaded. They're telling some people they'd normally admit to go home and come back later if they get sicker. That happened to a daughter of a friend of mine week before last. The emergency room sent her home the first time. She came back when her oxygen saturation was below 60 and they let her stay.

We have two vaccines that are 95% effective. We won't have to get to herd immunity the hard way. Seventy percent of the population won't have to be infected with the disease and hundreds of thousands more won't have to die. In another six months this will be over. Originally Posted by Tiny

I won't need the vaccine. I have qualified immunity.

Where I'm going with this, it doesn't make a lot of sense blaming this on Donald Trump or Mario Cuomo or the mayor or the CDC or the FDA and leaving it at that. We individually don't have any control over who our leaders are, or the ability of our institutions to deal with this crisis. All we can do is exercise common sense to try to keep from getting the disease or giving it to others -- avoid crowded indoor settings, try to stay 6 feet away from others, stay home if we're sick until we're tested, wash hands, and wear a mask, preferably an N95 or KN95 mask. I buy mine here, Originally Posted by Tiny

Tiny, you've been undone.

Harris 2024.
  • Tiny
  • 12-06-2020, 10:40 AM
Tiny, you've been undone. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
No eccieuser. I've finally seen the light. Covid doesn't cause people to die. It doesn't even appear on many of the death certificates. And where it does it's just a scam by the hospitals to get more money.

These people are all really dying from cardiac arrest! And they all would have died anyway. They've all got something wrong with them, diabetes, heart disease, whatever, if not now then some day in the future. Every single person who purportedly died of Covid this year would be dead 120 years from now anyway. Think about it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Where I'm going with this, it doesn't make a lot of sense blaming this on Donald Trump or Mario Cuomo or the mayor or the CDC or the FDA and leaving it at that. We individually don't have any control over who our leaders are, or the ability of our institutions to deal with this crisis. All we can do is exercise common sense to try to keep from getting the disease or giving it to others -- avoid crowded indoor settings, try to stay 6 feet away from others, stay home if we're sick until we're tested, wash hands, and wear a mask, preferably an N95 or KN95 mask. I buy mine here, Originally Posted by Tiny
I won't need the vaccine. I have qualified immunity.

Tiny, you've been undone. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

the virus is going to go where its gonna go. no leader, biden or trump or governors, can stop it or curtail it. they can initiate lockdowns. it won't work. you have to let it run its course.
the virus is going to go where its gonna go. no leader, biden or trump or governors, can stop it or curtail it. they can initiate lockdowns. it won't work. you have to let it run its course. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Pure unadulterated stupidity.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
It's been a whole year of this shit.
LexusLover's Avatar
The leading cause of death in the United States last week was cardiac arrest
"cessation of the function of the heart" ....
eccieuser9500's Avatar
No eccieuser. I've finally seen the light. Covid doesn't cause people to die. It doesn't even appear on many of the death certificates. And where it does it's just a scam by the hospitals to get more money.

These people are all really dying from cardiac arrest! And they all would have died anyway. They've all got something wrong with them, diabetes, heart disease, whatever, if not now then some day in the future. Every single person who purportedly died of Covid this year would be dead 120 years from now anyway. Think about it. Originally Posted by Tiny

What percentage of the world lives to see 120 years? How many would want to?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
"cessation of the function of the heart" .... Originally Posted by LexusLover

... caused by . . .

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Pure unadulterated stupidity. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Sorry man, I'm beginning to agree with him.

Hence, qualified immunity.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
No eccieuser. I've finally seen the light. Covid doesn't cause people to die. It doesn't even appear on many of the death certificates. And where it does it's just a scam by the hospitals to get more money.

These people are all really dying from cardiac arrest! And they all would have died anyway. They've all got something wrong with them, diabetes, heart disease, whatever, if not now then some day in the future. Every single person who purportedly died of Covid this year would be dead 120 years from now anyway. Think about it. Originally Posted by Tiny
Upon further deliberation, I think I see your point. The same people who die of heart disease, would still die without the virus? You mean the virus just speeds up the process? Sir?
  • oeb11
  • 12-06-2020, 01:34 PM
Thank you, 9500/yr/hh/mm/multiple handles - for your single minded hatred of all things not Socialist totalitarian.

And Thank You 9500/ ,mm/ yr/hh/other multiple handles and DPST's - for your usual nonsense!
you prove your Hatred of Trump and sensible governance over and over and over - as above !!!

The election is Over - and Trump still lives in your brains - along with XiNN and the radical marxist LSM narrative - 24/7/365.

It is called - in medical terms - the Trump mental parasite.
Evidently there is no cure and no chance for any remission of the parasite DPST's have - until You DPST's give up your Hatred!
Which ain't ever gonna happen

Even knowing that DPST Trump Hatred is self-destructive - DPST's!!!!

See - Your own hatred creates your own Trump fixation.
such a sad way of Life!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
And this is why there's two or three causes always listed on death certificates.
Always a primary cause. But then contributing factors are almost always listed nowadays.
There's massive confusion though about how to run statistics when more than one cause is listed. Covid is a secondary that causes other things though, usually a couple key lung problems.
  • Tiny
  • 12-06-2020, 01:55 PM
Upon further deliberation, I think I see your point. The same people who die of heart disease, would still die without the virus? You mean the virus just speeds up the process? Sir? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
That was sarcasm eccieuser, directed at no one in particular.

There's a belief out there that most people who died of Covid actually died from something else, like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular diesease, or, most significantly, old age. The Covid just accelerated the process a little. Also deaths that are called Covid are really pneumonia. So I was just taking that reasoning one small step further, and saying they all died of cardiac arrest.

Admittedly, you're not going to see as many years of life lost because of Covid, which mostly kills older people, as something like the Spanish flu. Still there are a lot of years lost to the disease. I read recently some researchers were estimating Covid would knock close to year off of the average life expectancy of males alive in Sweden today.

Another fallacy, some believe Covid is no worse than the flu, and that only maybe 10,000 or 20,000 people have died from it. The hospitals have been calling deaths from other causes Covid-related to make more money. I don't understand this reasoning at all. If you compare the total number of deaths in the USA this year to past years, it's obvious that a lot of people have died because of Covid, and the estimates we're reading for Covid deaths aren't terribly far off.