I don't know the story behind you and subway you dig that place or something babe?
Originally Posted by trey
LOL, I'd love to share
Back in December of 2007 a client booked a 9pm appointment. So 9pm rolls around and I don't hear from him ... well I had been craving subway so at about 9:10 he still hasn't called and the subway in my area closes at 9:30pm .... so I leave my incall and my work phone at my place and go to subway, then go home.
Well the next morning I wake up to a thread stating that I NCNSed him .... but I didn't he was late, didn't care to call and inform me, so I just left.
It's really not a funny story, it was all the replies in the thread that made it funny. I checked eraps a few years ago to see if the thread had made it over there, but it didn't