wow, is this how its done here, sucked big time

Ok so some might find this funny, I didnt at the time but now I am like OMG I cant believe that fucker.

I went to a bar tonight, for like 20 mins, ordering drink me and 3 other friends one knows what I do and the other two dont. All the sudden I get a drunk ass hole that comes over and says "I know you" at first I am like ummmm, no (not even thinking about eccie or not) and he continues to say " Yes I do" At this time hes drunk, slurring, loud as hellllllllllll, and spitting while he talks. I continue to say I think you have me confused and trying to walk away. This fucker follows me saying I know you where do I know you from" So I turn around and look at him and say " I am not even from here, this is like my third time coming to the bar since been in texas" I am getting annoyed by this time.

This fucker pops up saying " Shayla, shaylas your name, I know you from eccie, your ass is hot and I heard you know how to suck dick real good"

OMG my face is red, my heart stops as people are looking and paying attention because of how loud he is....

I get close to his ear and tell him " If you dont turn your ass around right now and leave me alone, I am gonna embarrass you by everyone seeing a girl beat the hell out of you" He looks at me for a moment, turns around I am thinking ok, lucky me he believes me and is leaving.

This bitch turns around and points at me and says loudly to everyone thats paying any attention " this girls name is shayla and shes an escourt on eccie and sucks good dick" and then I leave fast cause by this time all I can think of is, anger management techniques, count and hold breath. I wanted to break his freaking jaw.
I am so embarrassed and wont ever return to that bar again.

Has this ever happened to anyone else and if so how do you handle something like this, I am for the first time lost for words, I dont know if I handled right or not but I just typing this am getting shakey again lol AAAHHHHHHHH I just want to scream, lol my ego is fucked up right now. I have never gone through something like that, that was CRAZY
Britttany_love's Avatar
Damn that's crazy. I have never had that happen, guess it goes back to the post about blurring photos. I wouldn't be showing any face photos again after that.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-12-2013, 10:42 PM
Well... if you're like the rest of us you probably didn't conjure up any good comebacks until after you left the bar. So to prepare you for the next time I'll offer up a few things:
  1. Buddy, PLEASE don't confuse me with your ex-wife.
  2. You're right! And the day before it was SHASTA, the day before that it was SKYLAR and today it's FUCK OFF!
  3. Buddy, why would I take money from anyone to get in my pants? I already OWN one asshole!
I'm certain the rest of the community can work up a few more for you. Be Prepared!
Yeah...what Brit said. Weekly ads get hundreds of views. That's a lot of people that can spot you out of a crowd. I want my privacy not only for safety reasons but for the peace of mind. Hell, I won't suck on a lolli in public for fear that someone will spot my lips!
That's definitely fucked up. I think you should have hit him. If he was as drunk as it sounds like, you probably could've knocked his ass out with one good wallop to the nose. And obviously he was yelling foul obscenities to you and about you that were, of course, untrue and offensive to any lady. Anyhow, things are always so clear in hindsight... don't be too hard on yourself.

On a separate but similar note, a few months back I ran into a provider I had recently seen. It was at a nice restaurant downtown. We were both there with our kids. We simply exchanged a knowing glance and did not engage any further. So take heart, the possibilities of that kind of public interaction are just as likely as the unfortunate encounter you recently had.

Karma is a bitch. That dude will get his.
yes he was yelling names calling me a whore and shit thats why I just left and yes I thought after man I should of just kept ignoring him or something and maybe someone would have told him to shut up or something, hindsight indeed....

After I wondered if hes tried to see me or something, cause he mentioned my pictures, good god, lol this has been interesting night lol now that I am done being so made from embarrassment I guess it could have been worse at least hes drunk so maybe people will just think hes talkin out his ass lol and people in meaning the other two people that were with me lol
Lots of window shoppers here. LOTS. For every guy you see, there's probably 3 who've thought of booking you but didn't for some reason unrelated to you and for every one of those guys there's probably an extra 5 who've just looked to look. Hell, I've had coworkers who just look to look and laugh. People like to slut shame for sport. It's sad, but it's true. You can't control how they will behave, but you can control how well you camouflage yourself.

Either way, I'm sincerely sorry that this happened to you. I can't imagine being part of such a spectacle, let alone such a damning one. Take care of yourself!
That had to be incredibly nerve-wracking, and yes, the best comebacks are thought of after the fact. I would've said, "Wow, this Shayla chick must be hot! If I look like her does that mean I can get PAID to have sex?!? How much have you got on you?? Lets go!"
Still Looking's Avatar
Damn drunks! It use to happen to me all the time until I stopped wearing the TEAM SL T-Shirts!
Michael_Loomis's Avatar
That's hilarious to think about, but I would have punched him out or escorted him out of the bar for you before it even escalated that far. You don't attempt that with a lady that is minding her own business, no matter what her profession.
3daygetaway's Avatar
it could have been worse at least hes drunk so maybe people will just think hes talkin out his ass lol and people in meaning the other two people that were with me lol Originally Posted by shayla84
Everyone will remember him as a crazy drunk who verbally assaulted you, not what he said. Eccie and the Hobby are not even on most people's radar; they will remember that he was using words that didn't make sense to them.

In the future, the perfect comeback is "what's your handle?" that way, you can out him to the mods, who can ban him.

Another poster wrote that he had encountered providers in the real world and had perfectly benign acknowledgements and moved on; I too have had this a very few times. Once, the provider and I recognized each other but neither could remember where from, so we named off all the places we might know each other before it dawned on us--the hobby! We laughed and laughed.
SO WRONG on SOOO many levels!!
harkontume's Avatar
Alcohol and Discretion do not mix.

I agree with Jenns.(((.(OMG)))) {will I start watching baseball now?}

probably a Lurker who has whacked off to your showcase.
All of a sudden his fantasy walks into the room! And he has got to say something.

Well ,because he is a whacker and a drunk.

And your hurt his wittle feelings when you did not scream out Oh Thanks for Recognizing me!!
I love my fans! Do you want a free BJ?
In the future, the perfect comeback is "what's your handle?" that way, you can out him to the mods, who can ban him. Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
Genius!!! I need to remember this in case it ever happens to me!

And your hurt his wittle feelings when you did not scream out "Oh Thanks for Recognizing me!!
I love my fans! Do you want a free BJ?" Originally Posted by harkontume
LMAO! I love it!!! Need to remember that one, too!
fun2come's Avatar
Shayla, you always seem to end up in "fucked up" situations. That does indeed suck, yet we all know that you are really good at it (the sucking that counts for us that is).

Some of the suggestions to hit/beat/whatever the guy are just going to make the situation worse and possibly get LE involved.

Usually it is best to apply tactics to deflate and calm the charged hostile situation. Yes a funny response would be great.
In this case, may be just staying calm and saying, THX for the compliments, but you do have the wrong girl, must be a look alike, I had that happen a couple times before.

Situation gets more complicated when monger had already seen you, but then you could claim that it is your twin sister and you are here visiting and since she is busy doing we all know what, you are hanging out with some of YOUR friends.

Whatever you do, in my opinion, it is usually best to first try and deflate the situation and to not admit to anything. Doesn't always work, well, then you can apply your martial art training on him (in self defense).

Are there any classes/courses out there we can recommend to Shayla to stay out of trouble like this?

.. and I think 3daygetaway is right, most people are going to remember the drunken guy with the stupid allegations, unless you do come across as a hoogar, that will stick in guys minds (but then that would be good for biz).

Oh well, truly sorry you got into this situation, glad you came out ok.