A problem especially bad in Houston

My friend Alexa Taylor and I decided to come back to Houston because we were getting several requests a day ever since we left a couple weeks ago. So we came down here thinking that we would be busy. But instead have spent the great majority of the time sitting in our hotel rooms bored.

Now it’s not that the requests stopped; we are still getting plenty of requests. It’s that even though our appt booker Gia is awesome and answers every request within 5-10mins, the great majority will not answer her back. There was even a guy that requested 3 separate times and then never answered her back each time. Now we know that the emails are going through because sometimes it goes something like- I’d like to see you…Well when would you like to see her babe?...Sometime this evening would be great, let me get back to you…and then nothing. So this is not a technical glitch.

What I’m asking for is some honesty. I’m sure all the girls would appreciate it. We know that a lot of you guys request like 5 girls at once. So how about instead of leaving us hanging, thinking do I have a 4pm or not? Should I get ready? Would it be a bad idea to actually leave the hotel or should I stay and wait just in case? I’m really bored here in Houston and kinda wanna go home but if that 4pm happens I guess I should stay since I already paid for the hotel anyways.

If instead we received an email hours earlier that said- “sorry, not gonna happen, got ahold of my first choice” then I promise our feelings won’t be hurt (y’all say much worse on here all the time) and we’ll actually be able to plan our day accordingly. No one likes when people waste their time. So yeah, how about some HONESTY guys??
I just had a conversation with a couple of ladies who travel and they told me they avoid Houston now, I wonder what is going on? Texas is doing better than the rest of the counrty atm, so I would imagine it really has nothing to do with monetary matters. I too would love to hear some input from the guys. It seems a lot of traveling ladies are now taking Houston off their map now.
It is kind of the same as NCNS. This thread is kind of the same thing.


It happens to a lot of providers not just traveling providers.
Ladies, this is where we need your help..... we need to wweed out the habitual NCNS-ers..... it has long been suspected that there is rampant cock-blocking/Twat-blocking going on here.... either by WKs or providers based here themselves! CoEd Forums are NOT ONLY for the men to post NCNS, but for the ladies too as well! Shit happens to us all, but when it runs rampant and unchecked we all suffer because of it!

Very sorry to hear this... hope your week gets better.

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I am beginning to think that things have become so competitive that this might actually be the case.
Randall Creed's Avatar
The biggest problem is that no one learns from this.

4 months from now this topic will resurface, maybe even sooner.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Did you have actual, confirmed bookings or just inqueries?
ImaMrCool's Avatar
4 Months Rambro? I thought we see a thread every week about this.
Captain Gus's Avatar
It is the opening of the NFL football weekend and we have 12+ hours of college football on saturdays.
Yesterday i called a lady that i have seen 12-15 times this year and ask her if she would be ava today and she said yes and i told her if i got free i would call her.
I text her and told her i will see her during the up comong week;
Just my 02 cents.
I did not want to go any where today i watched football all today and will do the same on sunday;
Ladies come down during the week next time and be safe in your travels;

Plus sunday is the 10 year anniversary of the worst attack on our country since pearl harbor and i will be with my kids with tears in ours eyes all day;;;
I can't speak for all clients, but I see the same type of thing out in the "real world" of business. The NCNS thing is rampant there too, as is failure to RSVP for functions. But I also have to say that I've seen a serious lack of TCB skills on the part of many providers. Is it in response to NCNS from clients? Do we have a chicken-and-egg thing going on here? Don't know, but what I DO know is that all of you ignorant fucks that make appointments and don't bother to show or call need to KNOCK IT OFF. Maybe your parents need to be bitch slapped for raising such a loser.
srvfin's Avatar
Honey.... Did it ever cross your mind that those inquiries might be coming from Dallas providers wanting to get you out of town for a few days....? I mean, I could be e-mailing you from California and telling you I'm from Houston....
Pica Flor's Avatar
My guess is that the higher rates have something (probably a lot) to do with it. Out of curiosity I just checked rates paid for the last 10 indy reviews, all rates are less that the Op advertised "houston special" rate.
Mojojo's Avatar
My guess is that the higher rates have something (probably a lot) to do with it. Out of curiosity I just checked rates paid for the last 10 indy reviews, all rates are less that the Op advertised "houston special" rate. Originally Posted by Pica Flor

Pica brings up an interesting point, I noticed the same thing too! Not saying your not worth what your asking for, but in my opinion when you up your rates your taking a gamble.

(Yes I'm aware of all the expenses that come with travel).
Do some specials, im interested
I am a local lady and get tons of interest but nobody schedules. I have LOW rates and I offer a lot for what I offer so where are the men? I am FREE during the WEEK from 8am-10pm!!!!!!!!!!

BTW I get that alot of yall have the availability to travel but it sucks for those of us that cant travel to other cities bc yall come here and get our clients when not all of us can travel to yalls cities...

Just my 2 cents...Not being witchy just honest and frustrated!
we've have this discussion before and I'm sure this isn't the last. Don't bank on em until they show up at the door. Other than that, there's not much else you can do.