My friend Alexa Taylor and I decided to come back to Houston because we were getting several requests a day ever since we left a couple weeks ago. So we came down here thinking that we would be busy. But instead have spent the great majority of the time sitting in our hotel rooms bored.
Now it’s not that the requests stopped; we are still getting plenty of requests. It’s that even though our appt booker Gia is awesome and answers every request within 5-10mins, the great majority will not answer her back. There was even a guy that requested 3 separate times and then never answered her back each time. Now we know that the emails are going through because sometimes it goes something like- I’d like to see you…Well when would you like to see her babe?...Sometime this evening would be great, let me get back to you…and then nothing. So this is not a technical glitch.
What I’m asking for is some honesty. I’m sure all the girls would appreciate it. We know that a lot of you guys request like 5 girls at once. So how about instead of leaving us hanging, thinking do I have a 4pm or not? Should I get ready? Would it be a bad idea to actually leave the hotel or should I stay and wait just in case? I’m really bored here in Houston and kinda wanna go home but if that 4pm happens I guess I should stay since I already paid for the hotel anyways.
If instead we received an email hours earlier that said- “sorry, not gonna happen, got ahold of my first choice” then I promise our feelings won’t be hurt (y’all say much worse on here all the time) and we’ll actually be able to plan our day accordingly. No one likes when people waste their time. So yeah, how about some HONESTY guys??