Clinton tax deductions

Seeing how the tax season is upon us, I wondered how many people, besides me, where going to do the "Slick Willy Clinton " deduction of donating my "slightly used and scorch marked " underwear to a homeless shelter ? What, with Shrillary claiming how broke they were once the left the White House ( with foreign government gifts to THE PEOPLE of the U.S. and that they reluctantly gave them up only when called out in the press for STEALING them ), can we expect to see as a tax deduction from these narcissist and supposed "smartest people on the planet " ( who still haven't figured out what the definition of what "is" is ) !
  • shanm
  • 03-29-2015, 03:36 PM
^See LLIdiot? This is a perfect example of a bunch of words making no sense. This is what you should stop doing.
lustylad's Avatar
Comprehension problem, shammytard?

The OP is trying to be helpful and remind you when you file your taxes this year don't forget to deduct the fair market value of the ragged, cum-stained victoria's secret crotchless panties you donated to the Clinton Foundation after you wore them out working as a tranny streetwalker down in Houston's tranny alley!
LexusLover's Avatar
Comprehension problem, shammytard?

The OP is trying to be helpful and remind you when you file your taxes this year don't forget to deduct the fair market value of the ragged, cum-stained victoria's secret crotchless panties you donated to the Clinton Foundation after you wore them out working as a tranny streetwalker down in Houston's tranny alley! Originally Posted by lustylad
... until I got down to "panties" ... I thought you were talking about his blue dress.
  • shanm
  • 03-29-2015, 07:55 PM
Comprehension problem, shammytard?

The OP is trying to be helpful and remind you when you file your taxes this year don't forget to deduct the fair market value of the ragged, cum-stained victoria's secret crotchless panties you donated to the Clinton Foundation after you wore them out working as a tranny streetwalker down in Houston's tranny alley! Originally Posted by lustylad
I see you had a good time last time you were down in the H.

Well, I can assure you, the tranny that fucked your ass definitely wasn't me.
I see you had a good time last time you were down in the H.

Well, I can assure you, the tranny that fucked your ass definitely wasn't me. Originally Posted by shanm
The women are tired of you... hanging out in their dressing room... shanm00
  • shanm
  • 03-29-2015, 11:10 PM
The women are tired of you... hanging out in their dressing room... shanm00 Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Hey IIFYIdiot! Did you finally get time to pay UC a "visit"? Is that why he isn't responding anymore? Who is next on your list?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
^See LLIdiot? This is a perfect example of a bunch of words making no sense. This is what you should stop doing. Originally Posted by shanm
Actually he's right. It became a point of ridicule for the Arkansas first family and their underwear deduction.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey ShamWow, does UnderAverage like it when you wear those Victoria's Secret panties during your intimate moments?
You know that how dull knife? Damn that is weird.
Some interesting stuff... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Interesting. Skeptical, but interesting.
One of the subjects broached by Mrs. Clinton (at secret WH meeting in March) is said to be her demand Harry Reid not remain a member of the Senate after 2016. This claim comes from Hill staffers with knowledge of rumors linking Reid’s recent announcement to retire with the Clinton Machine’s desire he do so. Reid was willing to ignore the Clinton’s demand. He was apparently not willing to ignore that same demand when it came directly from Valerie Jarrett’s office, indicating Jarrett and Clinton made an agreement to ensure this happened. What each might be paying the other to push out the current Senate Minority Leader is unknown, but it is likely significant. (Reid has been a much closer ally to the Obama White House than the Clintons. His likely Senate Minority Leader replacement, Chuck Schumer, is very close to both Bill and Hillary Clinton.)

  • DSK
  • 03-30-2015, 08:01 AM
Interesting. Skeptical, but interesting.
One of the subjects broached by Mrs. Clinton (at secret WH meeting in March) is said to be her demand Harry Reid not remain a member of the Senate after 2016. This claim comes from Hill staffers with knowledge of rumors linking Reid’s recent announcement to retire with the Clinton Machine’s desire he do so. Reid was willing to ignore the Clinton’s demand. He was apparently not willing to ignore that same demand when it came directly from Valerie Jarrett’s office, indicating Jarrett and Clinton made an agreement to ensure this happened. What each might be paying the other to push out the current Senate Minority Leader is unknown, but it is likely significant. (Reid has been a much closer ally to the Obama White House than the Clintons. His likely Senate Minority Leader replacement, Chuck Schumer, is very close to both Bill and Hillary Clinton.)

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I'm skeptical, also. He is an elected official, and had that seat as long as he wanted it.
True. But I can also believe that Reid was ready to retire - no fun being minority leader...and Hillary would want Durbin as minority leader.

It is like the Clinton's to throw their weight around in this manner.

In the other rumor mill = Reid got his ticket punched by a Las Vegas mafia type that Reid had made promises to and hadn't delivered on. It wasn't a "treadmill accident."

I'm skeptical, also. He is an elected official, and had that seat as long as he wanted it. Originally Posted by DSK
  • DSK
  • 03-30-2015, 11:02 AM
True. But I can also believe that Reid was ready to retire - no fun being minority leader...and Hillary would want Durbin as minority leader.

It is like the Clinton's to throw their weight around in this manner.

In the other rumor mill = Reid got his ticket punched by a Las Vegas mafia type that Reid had made promises to and hadn't delivered on. It wasn't a "treadmill accident." Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He is a pugilist himself, so he knew the score.