When I’m sixty-four

Paul McCartney wrote a song “When Im Sixty-Four”. Nope, I’m not sixt-four, but what’s happens when I do? A friend from my military days is worried he’s getting older. Told him to get a testosterone shot. But, will all the providers disappear? Prices go up astronomically? All the young girls run? Ladies, what do you say?
I’ve been charging the same for a decade and like to see guys older than me because that’s who I usually date in real life. It will be fine, lol.
I’m not 64, just a title. But, glad to see it doesn’t matter
I passed up 64 almost 8 years ago.

Most Providers are pretty understanding about things that are affected by age.
NordicJag's Avatar
I got you beat Jackie. I'm coming up on 10 years past. I am enjoying sex as much or more than ever. Unfortunately just not as often. It does take a little more preparation, taking the right pills and sometimes laying off taking others temporarily, but it's worth it.
Russ38's Avatar
Fucking Tebow.....I’m barely past my mid 40’s and can already taste the formaldehyde in my system.....time to step up your game and live hard....although, I’m a firm believer that formaldehyde is an aphrodisiac....
Mid forties here don’t know what tomorrow brings. Maybe I’ll make it to 64
VitaMan's Avatar
It's just a song

Or as John Lennon said when asked about all the meaning of his songs:

"They're just songs."
I think we need a sub-forum for geriatric hobbyists. Seriously.

I thought I was the oldest dirty old man here, but I see that several have me beat, at least in the age category.....

I think most of us need a little chemical help to get junior going, so it would be interesting to compare the concoctions that we use.
ICU 812's Avatar
Ummm . . .I am OVER 64 just now. Everything has slowed down some, but not desire. My doctor has me on Andro-Gel and a daily low-dose Cialis. Taking some vitamin suppliments too B-12 comples, D and E too.

The rweal limiters at this point are donation resources and opportunity to schedule time-away, UTR and off-the-grid.