Interesting article on deciding to become a provider

I stumbled on this article while following a link to an unrelated article. (Easy to do when following links.) Anyway, it seemed appropriate fodder for this forum.

ozmosys's Avatar
Interesting article. When we engage in the hobby, we sometimes wonder what is beneath the surface. But maybe we don't ask, because it might be too nosy, and we are after all on a time schedule.

And this is one person's point of view. Maybe every provider has her own, and it may differ from one day to the next. And maybe there are some common elements that most would agree with any day of the week.

Two things caught my attention: that providers are less likely to have STD's than the general population, because they are more aware and more cautious.

And the stigma. Maybe its based on jealousy and snarky comments by those who can't or won't understand. I wonder sometimes what kind of brave soul it takes to be a provider.

Maybe it's all about the money, or maybe there's some reward in knowing that you can help some people heal their broken hearts and/or shattered dreams. Just by giving them a moment of beauty to remember and to relish.
Interesting article. When we engage in the hobby, we sometimes wonder what is beneath the surface. But maybe we don't ask, because it might be too nosy, and we are after all on a time schedule.

And this is one person's point of view. Maybe every provider has her own, and it may differ from one day to the next. And maybe there are some common elements that most would agree with any day of the week.

Two things caught my attention: that providers are less likely to have STD's than the general population, because they are more aware and more cautious.

And the stigma. Maybe its based on jealousy and snarky comments by those who can't or won't understand. I wonder sometimes what kind of brave soul it takes to be a provider.

Maybe it's all about the money, or maybe there's some reward in knowing that you can help some people heal their broken hearts and/or shattered dreams. Just by giving them a moment of beauty to remember and to relish. Originally Posted by ozmosys
I posted the link, but you really captured the sentiment that I as too inarticulate to express. Thanks.
sixxbach's Avatar
maybe there's some reward in knowing that you can help some people heal their broken hearts and/or shattered dreams. Just by giving them a moment of beauty to remember and to relish. Originally Posted by ozmosys

If that was the case, they would give us that moment for free

Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 11-12-2012, 11:34 PM
If that was the case, they would give us that moment for free

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Perhaps, but wouldn't that completely change the dynamic?
greymouse's Avatar
It is an interesting article and very calmly reasoned I thought. Can't say that for the furious comments that followed. They are worth reading too although nearly all of them are extremely anti-sex work, anti-sex workers and anti-sex work customers. People in our little highly dysfunctional community really do need to keep in mind that most people, certainly including your wife if you have one and probably including your employer and your neighbors really would like to see the lot of us all strung up on lamp post. All of us, not just the women. If we all realized how besieged by most of the rest of society we all are perhaps we might consider being a little kinder to each other here.

I took a look around the Internet for information on and find it is a Gawker site aimed at women. Wikipedia quotes a 2010 Slate comment that criticized the blog and "simliar feminist blogs for manipulating readers to achieve page views by masking anger (often aimed at attractive women) as a result of jealousy and insecurity as 'righteously indignant rage' and promoting in-group behavior at the expense of rational discourse."

Shameful! I mean who would promote pages views by promoting indignant rage?
Qziz's Avatar
  • Qziz
  • 11-13-2012, 08:37 PM
Jezebel isn't really a feminist site though they pretend to be. Primarily because they keep on staff an author who is an avowed sexual abuser. No, I'm not kidding. is a better go-to site for your omg-i'm-sorry-for-my-y-chromosome fix.
If that was the case, they would give us that moment for free

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
Perhaps, but wouldn't that completely change the dynamic? Originally Posted by Sire
It sure would. It goes a little something like this.

Ring Ring, Ring Ring


"Yes, hi Sixx! remember last week when I GAVE you that moment and possibly healed your broken heart and/or shattered dreams.

Yeah well, now, I need you to help me with my broken pocket book and/or shattered car tire. Will you drive across town and help me out?"

You could have just given her some AAA membership money and called it a day. Or at least a little something to where she could buy something to help her forget about you all together. Ya know!
Then maybe an AA membership if you really even care that is.

Neat article.