Does anyone Skype?

i was any providers or clients Skype as a way to get to know each other or communicate? It strikes me as a great way for both parties to see each other and establish a connection before actually meeting.

I have not Skyped before but after being screened I think it would be awesome to be able to see the person you are seriously thinking about seeing. I'm really into how a persons face appeals to me and a lot of the photos in ads and showcases hide them, understandable, but I would like to see the face before I take the time to drive to incalls. That is a nice idea, but unfortunately, nobody has even mentioned skyping to me.
Why should screening be necessary first? There's no physical proximity and could also serve as a METHOD to screen. No risk to either party. ( I mention this because it seems a little difficult obtaining references when I have no references.....trapped in the ole' Catch-22.) And yes, it would remove a lot of doubt for both parties about actual appearance.
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Why would screening be necessary first?.... because skype uses untraceable phone numbers, and sometimes le uses that method to communicate and set up appts. I have seen it documented. Many ladies do not answer skype or even google voice calls.

It may bee fun to chat this way, but it should be reserved for parties who know each other. (Just my .02)

peace and love,