Review: no show from makinley

Date: 11/13 &11/14
Provider: MakinleyBreez
Phone: 316-530-3289
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: North
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: -
Activities: NONE
Session Length: -
Fee: -
Hair Length and Color: -
Age: -
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: This girl is nuts. First she says she will meet then, because I dont have any revies, says she is not comfortable. Then changes her mind and says ok. 30 minutes after the scheduled time call me and says she has to bring her kido to hospital and want to reschedule tonight. I agree to the next night. Then we speak today and hammer down time. 30 minutes after the time I try and call her. No answer, then text her, no reply. I go and get some grub then shoot a text saying my first evereview is going to be a bad one. Then she calls talking crazy. "I'm reporting you to moderator""you cant review if nothing happened" "My children come first"(not argueing that, just let a falla know something) I wasnt going to write a review mostly because its too much of a pain in the ass. However, I couldnt let it go after the threating phone call. This girl is very unstable. Too many good ones out there to mess with crazy to much
Recommendation: No
Sorry. Get started with some reliable newbie friendly providers, then you won't be hassled for not having reviews.
Still Looking's Avatar
Off to Coed???
Sorry dude...thanks for the info.
Since no activities took place, this does not meet the standard as a review. It is however relevant information so we move these to COED. The lady can now respond with her side of the story.

I stated i didnt feel comfortable and did try to call. I will make it up to him as I stated. Mudbug I do apologize but I tried to call to let you know I was unable to reach you when I traveled out there. If you give me a chance to make it up to you when I get to ft worth it will be worth it. ad you can write a great review.
I stated i didnt feel comfortable and did try to call. I will make it up to him as I stated. Mudbug I do apologize but I tried to call to let you know I was unable to reach you when I traveled out there. If you give me a chance to make it up to you when I get to ft worth it will be worth it. ad you can write a great review. Originally Posted by makinleyBreeze
Although Team Homer does not support flakeyness and ncns's we do accept make up sex and encourage it.

I believe this has run it course and Team Homer is satisfied with what has come out. I believe we can shut this one down.

Mud, if you do not get satisfaction feel free to let me know and Team Homer will get you satisfaction.
Newbies??? Ugh
Sire's Avatar
  • Sire
  • 11-15-2012, 01:36 PM
Sorry for your loss Mudbug. I wouldn't even bother with a make up session. There are plenty of ladies out there that care enough to show up for the session, every time, and if it is a true emergency, they will let you know. Being inconsiderate of someone's time is a real slap in the face. It'a happened to me, and I know there's no reason to waste another minute with such a provider. What's stopping her from doing it to you one more time?

I'd like to add, for my 1000th post, I would like to be the first to nominate Homer as Moderator. He seems to be doing a terrific job, as seen in the above post. As seen in another thread, he's also pimping, so it seems fitting that it's time for a new ruler.

I'll be taking a little break from the hobby for awhile, so I relinquish my crown to the ever worthy Homer. I'll still be the ruler of my own little sex kingdom, but for now, I think it's time for a new ruler of ECCIE.

Bow unto Homer, the righteous king of ECCIE.
sorry that happend to you.. not everyone is bad. sometimes people just dont mesh well
Both parties have had their say so as per our custom, this one is closed........................ ..................
Cause if anyone else slobbers on Homer's shorts in this thread, I am going to be ill!!!
