All shelter and stray animals should be extinguished TODAY! Caring for them is a waste of resources.
Why in the hell should we waste money on food and medical care when we have so many people hungry and needing medical care?
A large percentage of shelter dogs have Pitt Bull blood. Pitt Bull dogs are dangerous and unpredictable. Just like their owners who also spawn with multiple women.
ASPCA is nothing but a group of delusional and worthless human beings. They should be stopped, by ANY means, because they value puppy dogs and kitty cats more than humans.
Let's stop the madness now. Do WHATEVER you can to stop the needless suffering of humans.
Don't spend another penny on feeding or giving medical care to shelter animals or strays.
If you are driving down the road and a stray runs out in front of your vehicle you have a choice to make. Do nothing or speed up so we can feed more humans.