Howard Stern Interview w/Hillary Yesterday

Here's a clip. Hillary still has some medical problem with her left eye. It's out of synch.
  • oeb11
  • 12-05-2019, 08:50 AM
We know why she is unable to smile
1-Personality2- Her package concrete makeup will crack and fall off the elderly face.

Seriously - she is running - watch out at the DNC convention!
Just trying to blame anyone other than herself for Nov 2016 - no sense of personal responsibility for anything!
Current hub hub is she's waiting for Biden to get out. Bloomberg's candidacy didn't get much spotlight. President Trump's mistake is focusing in on Biden. Biden is an easy victory. Creepy Joe is like Hillary - they wouldn't make it to the finish line. That's why a brokered convention is desirable. It allows Hillary to rest.

A drawn out impeachment benefits a brokered convention and Hillary.
tinypenis's Avatar
Does Bill really have a small penis? Does she say anything about his dick size, or her sex life?
rexdutchman's Avatar
No she does ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 12-05-2019, 01:46 PM
DPST's are missing the boat - with their current crop of lily white, elderly, angry candidates.
H.... and Michelle - the perfect DPST ticket.
H,,, takes the prize for smug, supercilious , I know what is best for you !!!!
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ that's the reason Big-T got elected in the first place DPST are outa touch with well anybody ,, the live in fantasyland of rainbows and lollipops .
Chung Tran's Avatar
Current hub hub is she's waiting for Biden to get out. Bloomberg's candidacy didn't get much spotlight. President Trump's mistake is focusing in on Biden. Biden is an easy victory. Creepy Joe is like Hillary - they wouldn't make it to the finish line. That's why a brokered convention is desirable. It allows Hillary to rest.

A drawn out impeachment benefits a brokered convention and Hillary. Originally Posted by gnadfly
all true, but the Dems won't draw out the impeachment. the Senate will get it by the end of the year, it could easily conclude in January... except the Republicans can (and might) draw it out and call their own people, Schiff, Hunter, whomever.. might as well, the impeachment vote will fail whichever direction they take the Hearings.
HoeHummer's Avatar
^^^ that's the reason Big-T got elected in the first place DPST are outa touch with well anybody ,, the live in fantasyland of rainbows and lollipops .
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I would say Low T gots elected because there were more of yous than Putin could count.
rexdutchman's Avatar
what conspiracy theory are you referring , or is it just more distorted rhetoric
  • oeb11
  • 12-06-2019, 08:56 AM
all true, but the Dems won't draw out the impeachment. the Senate will get it by the end of the year, it could easily conclude in January... except the Republicans can (and might) draw it out and call their own people, Schiff, Hunter, whomever.. might as well, the impeachment vote will fail whichever direction they take the Hearings. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Agreed - and i hope you are correct, CT.

I think that after a Senate vote which fails to convict, the DPST's will cry - "Political Vote fraud" - more hypocrisy - it is a political vote - and send it back to the House for another try.

I think they have nothing else other than to keep up the Impeach charade until Nov 2020.

all to damage the Trump presidency - and in concert with damaging the country in their refusal to govern cooperatively and responsibly.
  • oeb11
  • 12-06-2019, 08:58 AM
BTW - pic of H.... (above) defines her smug, supercilious self-righteous sense of supremacy that "I am Entitled to the POTUS Office" as well as any pic of her I have seen.