I need of someone

Sassygidget1212's Avatar
Hey y'all I had the perfect home I was under 6 month lease and it's up dec 31 my landlord said he was renewing it until I wouldn't let one of his friend live in the spare room rent free and now he's not renewing it and have to be ou bY Dec 31. I'm a good tenant ask anyone of my clients I take good care of my rental homes I pay on time and we'll now I'm looking to relocate towards Bryan or Austin if anyone knows of someone that can help time is of the essence seems everyone on market place is a scammer.. my time is running out please help if u can 254-548-8037
th0r_63's Avatar
Wish I could help you. When I had the means, I helped a provider get into a lease and for 95% of the time didn't regret it.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Plenty of apartments to rent here in south Austin.
You can get in for $1,300 a month and some are offering 6 weeks free rent.

Tell him you changed your mind you'll let the guy stay there
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Let's actually be helpful here with ideas
Alexandra Sand's Avatar
Has houses for rent.

ApartmentFinder.com lists all apartments available, rent$, pictures.
Facebook - you can add yourself to the local group and ask there.

You must have verifiable income, leasing history, deposit, animal vaccination records(if you have animals.)

I would not advise to rent from hobbyists, unless you want to become a slave to their demands and provide freebies.

Good Luck.
Don't mention that you smoke or else the damage deposit and rent will probably go way up. Some companies actually require you to take out a renter's insurance policy (like $500,000) and name them as covered for any damages you may incur.

Good luck!
Alexandra Sand's Avatar
There is no smoking policy in rental property, period.

You will be the insured, you will receive the compensation, but you have to provide name of the rental property(they are not the beneficiary - you are.) Name of the property is for appraisal value.

Renters insurance is about $120 a YEAR for apartment rental. House is a little more. Depends on square footage and house $$$.

Everybody is required to have it this days, if they rent.

Make sure to have water damage, fire, theft and accident included in your policy. In the last 5 years I have not payed more then $120/year. You can get it trough your car insurance. Or just Google - Renters insurance.