Is This The Democrat Party Playbook?

Think of the way the Democrat Party operates. They took lessons from the "master".

Another one is: "Think of the Press as a great keyboard which the Government can play".

Both parties are guilty of using at least a few of these techniques, but it seems that the Democrats are paticularilly adept to it.
thought the dems were the commies and the repubs the Nazis? you got me confused now.
It seems both parties are willing to swing either way, depending on which suites the needs of the moment.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Sigh***** another much needed history lesson. The National SOCIALISTS were also left wingers but whereas the international communist movement believed in world communism without national borders the Nazis believe in German superiority. Otherwise they shared many of the same principals. Instead of government ownership of industry, industry was controlled by the government to a large degree. When workers went on strike during World War II ( and this is important), they were called traitors and many were hung. Only a government can do that so it was obvious that they were considered to be striking against the government and not Maybach. The Nazis introduced large youth camps built on the socialist ideals of shared hardship, community rewards, and crazy wild sex with underage girls.
The fact is that Nazism is a left wing poltiical philosophy that used facism to advance its cause.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep that about sums it up.
Thanks for the effort,on this board I have seen the dem's referred to as commies,and the repub's as Nazis,and it looked like they were reversing it,so I wanted to stay in the loop.
thought the dems were the commies and the repubs the Nazis? you got me confused now. Originally Posted by ekim008
The Soviets, Soviet Block Countries, China, other Asian countries, etc were commies. The Nazis and Italians were fascist and so are we. Fascism (we’ve had this discussion before and IB and a few others have good arguments and strongly disagree with me about the definition and practice of fascism.) Fascism is where the State is controlled by industry. Sound familiar? Well it should. Whether we like it or not, we are not a Republic anymore. We live in an oligarchy where the oligarchs are controlled by industry.

Thanks for the effort,on this board I have seen the dem's referred to as commies,and the repub's as Nazis,and it looked like they were reversing it,so I wanted to stay in the loop. Originally Posted by ekim008
Uneducated slang.

The one that rang truest, with regard to the current era of politicians, of Goebbels’ quotes is:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

And it supports another quote of his:

"We have made the Reich by propaganda."

It’s sad; we as a Whole are really sheepeople. It’s proven true every day on every street in every town in every country in the world.
I really like to refer to Governments such as what existed in Nazi Germany as "Thugocracys", because in reality, a bunch of Thugs took over an entire Country. "The Law" was what they dictated at any given time. Sure, they had a Paliment, and a Constitution, and Laws written down. But they were useless because they they could ship you off to a concentration camp, or just line you against the wall any time they wanted too.
Soviet Russia was similiar, the law of the land was what Joe Stalin said it was at any given moment. The Sadam regime in Iraq was a later day example, as still is that deviate who is running Syria as we speak.

We get hung up on definitions, such as who is a Nazi, who is a Facist,when in reality they are all a bunch of criminals agains mankind.
Guess I should have put my comments in the comedy section,didn't think anyone would really take that seriously.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Sigh***** another much needed history lesson. The National SOCIALISTS were also left wingers but whereas the international communist movement believed in world communism without national borders the Nazis believe in German superiority. Otherwise they shared many of the same principals. Instead of government ownership of industry, industry was controlled by the government to a large degree. When workers went on strike during World War II ( and this is important), they were called traitors and many were hung. Only a government can do that so it was obvious that they were considered to be striking against the government and not Maybach. The Nazis introduced large youth camps built on the socialist ideals of shared hardship, community rewards, and crazy wild sex with underage girls.
The fact is that Nazism is a left wing poltiical philosophy that used facism to advance its cause. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Arrrgggghhhhh! You really are a kummumitie kollege revisionist klown.

1. "Nationalism" is, was, and has always been the exclusive province of right-whingers at any time in every corner of history. Look it up if you can figure out how.
2. The Red Communist Soviets were the left, not the Nazi's. Check out the Spanish Civil War where the Nazi surrogates (led by Francisco Franco) fought against the "Peoples' Army," led by Gary Cooper and Ernest Hemingway (well, not really - I'd better clarify that because your simple mind might actually bellieve it) er, the other guys who were the surrogates of the RC's (that would be Red Communists, NOT Roman Catholics). The bombing of Guernica, famously depicted by Picasso, was an air raid by the Luftwaffe (that would be the GERMAN air force). Franco's bunch won and he remained dictator until the late '60's-early '70's as the ultimate right-wing fascist.
3. Your simple mind cannot grasp the fact that just because any movement latches onto the word "socialist" doesn't necessarily make them actually socialistic, unless of course you were a German Jew whose possissions were confiscated and redistributed (to the Reich, not the German people).
4. And, finally - fascism is what the Nazi's used as a model both in governance and economic policy. That would be "fascism," the synergy between an oligarchy (i.e. big bidness) and government with the rest of the folks merely being raw material.

History lesson's over, retard.
thought the dems were the commies and the repubs the Nazis? you got me confused now. Originally Posted by ekim008
Me too. The ekim69ts is a Independent part.
BigLouie's Avatar
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Working against the President...bigBoobie, IS actually working for the interests of the American people. Stopping this President from further destroying what's left of the economy is in the interest of the American people.

BO's policies and behavior is unworthy of office and WILL be voted out.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
A Communist comes into your house and takes all your money...
A Nazi comes into your house and takes all you money..but hits you over the head on his way out.

See the difference ekim ?
joe bloe's Avatar