Think for Yourself

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
No youtube postings here. I want to say one thing when it comes to our country and politics. Think for yourself. Listen to both sides with an open mind. Most politicans, if not all, are just puppets for the real controlling interests of our economy. Major multi-national corporations have been calling the shots for quite some time. It has nothing to do with "government of the people, by the people, and for the people".

Non-stop wars are merely for profit and our young men come back in a worse situation than before they left. Who is making all the money here? Look to the military-industrial complex.

Where are the jobs? Why must our young men join the military industrial complex just to have work? Just to get funds for college? Who really pays?

These things we must look at with an eye for the truth.
No youtube postings here. I want to say one thing when it comes to our country and politics. Think for yourself. Listen to both sides with an open mind. Most politicans, if not all, are just puppets for the real controlling interests of our economy. Major multi-national corporations have been calling the shots for quite some time. It has nothing to do with "government of the people, by the people, and for the people".

Non-stop wars are merely for profit and our young men come back in a worse situation than before they left. Who is making all the money here? Look to the military-industrial complex.

Where are the jobs? Why must our young men join the military industrial complex just to have work? Just to get funds for college? Who really pays?

These things we must look at with an eye for the truth. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Don't try and bring logic into it. They won't have it. I agree with you. Lobbyists control the lawmakers and the lawmakers control Washington. Following the money is always an effective way to find out who is calling the shots.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
I have to try. I am not afraid either. We all die some day, so if the powers that be want to knock me off by some unknown means, so be it. I would love to do honest investigative reporting and photography, so if you want to offer me a job, so be it my friend.
rioseco's Avatar
No youtube postings here. I want to say one thing when it comes to our country and politics. Think for yourself. Listen to both sides with an open mind. Most politicans, if not all, are just puppets for the real controlling interests of our economy. Major multi-national corporations have been calling the shots for quite some time. It has nothing to do with "government of the people, by the people, and for the people".

Non-stop wars are merely for profit and our young men come back in a worse situation than before they left. Who is making all the money here? Look to the military-industrial complex.

Where are the jobs? Why must our young men join the military industrial complex just to have work? Just to get funds for college? Who really pays?

These things we must look at with an eye for the truth. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
I must admit I agree with some of your thoughts, but I am suprised by your stance.
Your post reflects individualism and a hint of libertarianism.
Judging from previous post I thought you prefered socialism.
You are in the midst of conversion possibly ???
I must admit I agree with some of your thoughts, but I am suprised by your stance.
Your post reflects individualism and a hint of libertarianism.
Judging from previous post I thought you prefered socialism.
You are in the midst of conversion possibly ??? Originally Posted by rioseco
Why is socialism such a dirty word? People don't take the time to research how things started in this country, but we had a somewhat socialized beginning as far as people banding together for the greater good. It morphed into something else and now it's every man and woman for themselves. It's sad.
Why is socialism such a dirty word? People don't take the time to research how things started in this country, but we had a somewhat socialized beginning as far as people banding together for the greater good. It morphed into something else and now it's every man and woman for themselves. It's sad. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Socialism works just fine until some people start to rebell against the notion that says the deadbeat gets the same benefits as the person who works hard. It's called human nature.

And, as the great Margaret Thatcher said, socialism works fine until you run out of other people's money.

Even in a socialist society, somebody has to be in charge. Those in charge soon give into the adage that says power corrupts.

So in that vein, I will say I am all for socialism, even communism. But I want to be in charge, and I will make sure that all of the liberal/progressives that are so anamored with the concept will be digging potatoes in Siberia, while I enjoy my "Dacha on the Volga".
No youtube postings here. I want to say one thing when it comes to our country and politics. Think for yourself. Listen to both sides with an open mind. Most politicans, if not all, are just puppets for the real controlling interests of our economy. Major multi-national corporations have been calling the shots for quite some time. It has nothing to do with "government of the people, by the people, and for the people".

Non-stop wars are merely for profit and our young men come back in a worse situation than before they left. Who is making all the money here? Look to the military-industrial complex.

Where are the jobs? Why must our young men join the military industrial complex just to have work? Just to get funds for college? Who really pays?

These things we must look at with an eye for the truth. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
I would agree, politicians are puppets. Mainly Presidents they have evolved into nothing more than pitchman, they really don't run the country like so many people think they do. That's why I am not a die hard fan. I am very critical of those in politics because of their inability to function for the real cause which is suppose to be for the country and the people.

rioseco's Avatar
Why is socialism such a dirty word? People don't take the time to research how things started in this country, but we had a somewhat socialized beginning as far as people banding together for the greater good. It morphed into something else and now it's every man and woman for themselves. It's sad. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Please explain how America had a the socialistic beginng. As far as Im told even back to Jamestown it was "No work, No Reward". Not like today where perhaps 1/2 of Americans work and pay into the system while the rest sit by waiting on a handout. Some are deserving of a handout like veterans and disabled peoples. Many are simply slugs,leaches on the system who have not ever nor will they ever contribute anything.

Im my lifetime of near six decades, capitlaism supplied the work and the reward, not the government. My father worked in his craft and was paid a wage to feed and clothe a family of eight. In school our family qualified for free lunches but that was not my fathers way. Even as a teen I could see and appreciate the idea was to work and earn my way. Individualism, a goal and a job freed me of reliance my fathers roof and rule as a teen. I learned to be an individual and support myself and a family of my own. The government and its social programs offered me taxes, every day and every way imaginable so I can help feed, shelter, clothe many who do not deserve it.

So my question for you is, "why is the capaltalist route so bad" ?
It's funding the way for so many social programs that the takers love.
Please explain how America had a the socialistic beginng. As far as Im told even back to Jamestown it was "No work, No Reward". Not like today where perhaps 1/2 of Americans work and pay into the system while the rest sit by waiting on a handout. Some are deserving of a handout like veterans and disabled peoples. Many are simply slugs,leaches on the system who have not ever nor will they ever contribute anything.

Im my lifetime of near six decades, capitlaism supplied the work and the reward, not the government. My father worked in his craft and was paid a wage to feed and clothe a family of eight. In school our family qualified for free lunches but that was not my fathers way. Even as a teen I could see and appreciate the idea was to work and earn my way. Individualism, a goal and a job freed me of reliance my fathers roof and rule as a teen. I learned to be an individual and support myself and a family of my own. The government and its social programs offered me taxes, every day and every way imaginable so I can help feed, shelter, clothe many who do not deserve it.

So my question for you is, "why is the capaltalist route so bad" ?
It's funding the way for so many social programs that the takers love. Originally Posted by rioseco

You must be kidding. Capitalism? Google the headright system. Land was given away in the 1600s to anyone willing to make the trip over. Capitalism doesn't give away land. Or maybe you missed the homestead act of 1862 that did much the same; giving away land. Or maybe the fha or gi bill. These two combined to create the white middle class in America in the last century. Do a little research before you spout of about capitalism. Government has never been small.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Don't try and bring logic into it. They won't have it. I agree with you. Lobbyists control the lawmakers and the lawmakers control Washington. Following the money is always an effective way to find out who is calling the shots. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
exactly what I've been saying

Lawmakers usually don't make laws for the sake of "what's right" or "bettering USA".
they make laws to get re-elected, either making the lowest common denominator
happy or big money contributors happy

in fact, they make laws that are just stupid
#5. Airport Security Measures

#4. Anti-Lock Brakes and Bike Helmets/Peltzman effect

#3. Sunscreen

no laws are really useful, but they appear useful
example FDA just changed nutrition labels so a 20oz coke isnt 3 servings, no now it makes more sense, 1 20oz bottle of coke is 2 servings.
see, that still makes no sense,

The most recent shit I saw using the FDA guidelines is "With 40 delicious flavors that are 100 calories or less, Progresso®"

yet each can of soup is 2 servings, so why not just say less then 10 calories!

If you really want to stop having the usa go to war, people need to stop joining the military
you join up, then have some rich guy(lawmaker) tell you to go risk your life doing crap a few missles could do, get shot up, mentally fucked, come home, have issues and still no skills, but now you are fucked up and crying.
why u cry? you didnt realize going to join the armed forces meat you could die or be maimed?
are you shocked now?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No youtube postings here. I want to say one thing when it comes to our country and politics. Think for yourself. Listen to both sides with an open mind. Most politicans, if not all, are just puppets for the real controlling interests of our economy. Major multi-national corporations have been calling the shots for quite some time. It has nothing to do with "government of the people, by the people, and for the people".

Non-stop wars are merely for profit and our young men come back in a worse situation than before they left. Who is making all the money here? Look to the military-industrial complex.

Where are the jobs? Why must our young men join the military industrial complex just to have work? Just to get funds for college? Who really pays?

These things we must look at with an eye for the truth. Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
+1. Well put, Debbie.
rioseco's Avatar
You must be kidding. Capitalism? Google the headright system. Land was given away in the 1600s to anyone willing to make the trip over. Capitalism doesn't give away land. Or maybe you missed the homestead act of 1862 that did much the same; giving away land. Or maybe the fha or gi bill. These two combined to create the white middle class in America in the last century. Do a little research before you spout of about capitalism. Government has never been small. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Speaking of spouting off and research ?
I base my claim on near sixty years of life experience and historic research.
What is your basis, British imperialism and the later years of western expansion (free land) by the US government at the cost of millions of natives lives.

How much "free land- free stuff" has socialism given to you ?
Are you a taker or have you been paying all along without benefit ?
Usually the ones who love free stuff are the ones recieving it and those who impose it upon others to pay up. It is another control mechanismdesigned by and cultivated by power hungry bureaucrats

Socialism is a taker, not a giver.
I know, for I like millions have forcibly paid into Soc.Security (oxymoron) and Medicare for years yet I am told when I am allowed to draw upon it. Not when I deem necessary but when government says so. Meanwhile we have lazy, worthless scum drawing on it that have never worked, never paid and never will. Again, that is taking and dictating not giving.

Free land from the 1600s given by a tyranical crown across the Atlantic with absolutely no right to do so ?
Land and resources stolen from native peoples thru the use of weaponry and diseases.That is not socialism, it is theft and genocide
So you believe that land was King George's to give ?
Absolutely not ! It was never his to give. How convienent to forget that this land was occupied by others long before European colinization.

The homestead act of 1862 ? More "free land" your idea of early socialism. Tell me, just how social serving do you think the Indians found that action to be.
It was just another illegal land grab.This came on the heels of many wars fought with the naturals and the elimination of the natural resources needed to sustain them. The biggest obstacle the U.S. government encountered was the Plains Indians. Far more damage were done to their numbers by the introduction of disease and wiping out bison to near extinction than all the battles waged against them. All of this was done to pave the way for "free land" for settlers. More early socialism anyone ?

The last band of free Indians in Texas were attempting to survive in a single canyon system. It was there they relied upon horse flesh for food and trade since the bison were gone. In 1874 this band of Comanches, Kiowas and Arapaho fled the US Army leaving behind a herd of 1500 horses in the sheltered canyon. Col. McKenzie ordered the slaughter of the horses leaving the natives no means to feed themselves thru winter and forcing them onto a reservation.
Yes it is done and over with now. I am aware it is history or manifest destiny as some prefer. However it was theft, and genocide of natives people that opened the gate for expansion and not some marvelous social program !
Thank god Capitalism doesn't give away things for nothing (free)!

Private property rights (ownership) is one of the single greatest innovations of mankind.
Can anyone get more sophomoric in their historical interpretation?

Why is socialism such a dirty word? People don't take the time to research how things started in this country, but we had a somewhat socialized beginning as far as people banding together for the greater good. It morphed into something else and now it's every man and woman for themselves. It's sad. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Sounds like you two are more in agreement than you want to admit. The expansion of the country WAS based upon theft and socialistic giving away land that did not belong to the people "giving it away".

Either of you care to give it back to my native brothers? They don't care whether a capitalist or a socialist stole it, they would take it back.

You must be kidding. Capitalism? Google the headright system. Land was given away in the 1600s to anyone willing to make the trip over. Capitalism doesn't give away land. Or maybe you missed the homestead act of 1862 that did much the same; giving away land. Or maybe the fha or gi bill. These two combined to create the white middle class in America in the last century. Do a little research before you spout of about capitalism. Government has never been small. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Speaking of spouting off and research ?
I base my claim on near sixty years of life experience and historic research.
What is your basis, British imperialism and the later years of western expansion (free land) by the US government at the cost of millions of natives lives.

How much "free land- free stuff" has socialism given to you ?
Are you a taker or have you been paying all along without benefit ?
Usually the ones who love free stuff are the ones recieving it and those who impose it upon others to pay up. It is another control mechanismdesigned by and cultivated by power hungry bureaucrats

Socialism is a taker, not a giver.
I know, for I like millions have forcibly paid into Soc.Security (oxymoron) and Medicare for years yet I am told when I am allowed to draw upon it. Not when I deem necessary but when government says so. Meanwhile we have lazy, worthless scum drawing on it that have never worked, never paid and never will. Again, that is taking and dictating not giving.

Free land from the 1600s given by a tyranical crown across the Atlantic with absolutely no right to do so ?
Land and resources stolen from native peoples thru the use of weaponry and diseases.That is not socialism, it is theft and genocide
So you believe that land was King George's to give ?
Absolutely not ! It was never his to give. How convienent to forget that this land was occupied by others long before European colinization.

The homestead act of 1862 ? More "free land" your idea of early socialism. Tell me, just how social serving do you think the Indians found that action to be.
It was just another illegal land grab.This came on the heels of many wars fought with the naturals and the elimination of the natural resources needed to sustain them. The biggest obstacle the U.S. government encountered was the Plains Indians. Far more damage were done to their numbers by the introduction of disease and wiping out bison to near extinction than all the battles waged against them. All of this was done to pave the way for "free land" for settlers. More early socialism anyone ?

The last band of free Indians in Texas were attempting to survive in a single canyon system. It was there they relied upon horse flesh for food and trade since the bison were gone. In 1874 this band of Comanches, Kiowas and Arapaho fled the US Army leaving behind a herd of 1500 horses in the sheltered canyon. Col. McKenzie ordered the slaughter of the horses leaving the natives no means to feed themselves thru winter and forcing them onto a reservation.
Yes it is done and over with now. I am aware it is history or manifest destiny as some prefer. However it was theft, and genocide of natives people that opened the gate for expansion and not some marvelous social program ! Originally Posted by rioseco