Most Americans want War with ISIS.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
A recent poll by CNN stated that 3 out of 4 Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of ISIS. I would like to get the conservatives on this site explain what they think Obama should do- because I think most of you will flip flop on this subject.

I for one think that the Islamic nations in the middle east should put a coalition and fight ISIS- after all isn't this a muslim issue? This would be a great opportunity for muslims to gain some credibility and wipe out these scum bags. I am 100 percent against sending our troops to fight ISIS.
Let the Muslims sort this out. Allah will determine the winner.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Let the Muslims sort this out. Allah will determine the winner. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oh glad you are being honest- I am amazed that most Americans want war with ISIS- this would be a grave mistake- Obama is on record saying he thinks the armies in those nations should handle the crisis and he is opposed to sending our troops. I am hoping Republicans agree with Obama,
Budman's Avatar
The problem with letting the ME nations handle this is obvious. They won't or can't. The US needs to put together a true coalition of countries that are willing to put their full military capability on the line. Not some half assed support or only monetary support. The US will need to lead this coalition and I have no doubt that we will be sending troops into another war. The problem Obama has with putting together a coalition is no one trust him to follow thru with his commitment.

Let me ask you a question. Do you believe that if we act like this ME crisis is only going to affect the ME then we are safe from attack? Do you honestly believe this group ISIS will not come after the US and our allies? I think it is much better to deal with this today than in 5 years.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
The problem with letting the ME nations handle this is obvious. They won't or can't. The US needs to put together a true coalition of countries that are willing to put their full military capability on the line. Not some half assed support or only monetary support. The US will need to lead this coalition and I have no doubt that we will be sending troops into another war. The problem Obama has with putting together a coalition is no one trust him to follow thru with his commitment.

Let me ask you a question. Do you believe that if we act like this ME crisis is only going to affect the ME then we are safe from attack? Do you honestly believe this group ISIS will not come after the US and our allies? I think it is much better to deal with this today than in 5 years. Originally Posted by Budman

I agree with your latter statement Budman, but not the former statement. Do you actually believe the militaries in the ME nation can't stopped ISIS? They are far better equipped than ISIS

I think the govt over exaggerates the strength of ISIS- in the same manner they over exaggerate the strength of the Taliban. Speaking of the Taliban do you honestly believe that the Afghan army couldn't topple the Taliban if it wanted- every time I have seen a Taliban soldier he is carrying a RPG and an AK-47- the Taliban doesn't have one single tank or one jet and in 2015 you are not going to overthrow a govt armed with just a RPG and AK-47.

I saw a video on you-tube where 2 Apache Helicopters took out a squadron of about 50 to 100 taliban fighters- they killed everyone of them bastards- the Taliban had no way of shooting down either of the Apache helicopters it was like a PitBull battling a poodle.

No American blood needs to be shed- this is not our war!!!!!
I B Hankering's Avatar
The problem with letting the ME nations handle this is obvious. They won't or can't. The US needs to put together a true coalition of countries that are willing to put their full military capability on the line. Not some half assed support or only monetary support. The US will need to lead this coalition and I have no doubt that we will be sending troops into another war. The problem Obama has with putting together a coalition is no one trust him to follow thru with his commitment.
Originally Posted by Budman

I agree. BTW, this is an excellent article from The Atlantic.

"Centuries have passed since the wars of religion ceased in Europe, and since men stopped dying in large numbers because of arcane theological disputes. Hence, perhaps, the incredulity and denial with which Westerners have greeted news of the theology and practices of the Islamic State. Many refuse to believe that this group is as devout as it claims to be, or as backward-looking or apocalyptic as its actions and statements suggest....

"There is a temptation to rehearse this observation—that jihadists are modern secular people, with modern political concerns, wearing medieval religious disguise—and make it fit the Islamic State. In fact, much of what the group does looks nonsensical except in light of a sincere, carefully considered commitment to returning civilization to a seventh-century legal environment, and ultimately to bringing about the apocalypse....

"Virtually every major decision and law promulgated by the Islamic State adheres to what it calls, in its press and pronouncements, and on its billboards, license plates, stationery, and coins, 'the Prophetic methodology,' which means following the prophecy and example of Muhammad, in punctilious detail. Muslims can reject the Islamic State; nearly all do. But pretending that it isn’t actually a religious, millenarian group, with theology that must be understood to be combatted, has already led the United States to underestimate it and back foolish schemes to counter it."
Budman's Avatar
Maybe they could but they won't. Not without a leader. The US needs to lead and quit acting like this will never affect us. A leader (The US) needs to get these ME countries to come together and fight this group. Dropping a few bombs is not going to stop this group. They need to be rooted out and executed. Not held prisoner and later tried. Fucking killed. I think you underestimate the strength and size of this enemy. If we are not putting troops on the ground then the bombing needs to be 24-7. Our current course of action will only postpone the inevitable. The longer we wait the stronger they become.
A recent poll by CNN stated that 3 out of 4 Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of ISIS. I would like to get the conservatives on this site explain what they think Obama should do- because I think most of you will flip flop on this subject.

I for one think that the Islamic nations in the middle east should put a coalition and fight ISIS- after all isn't this a muslim issue? This would be a great opportunity for muslims to gain some credibility and wipe out these scum bags. I am 100 percent against sending our troops to fight ISIS. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Obama is droning them and has asked Congress for war authorization that promises more action. You didn't link to the article or the poll so its hard characterize what the US side of "the war" is wanted. ISIS, among other, have declared war on US.

Oh glad you are being honest- I am amazed that most Americans want war with ISIS- this would be a grave mistake- Obama is on record saying he thinks the armies in those nations should handle the crisis and he is opposed to sending our troops. I am hoping Republicans agree with Obama, Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The armies in those nations couldn't handle the crisis. The Obama doctrine states that they should. Obama is breaking his own doctrine for a reason I guess. I wonder how the Libyans would respond if Qadaffi was still alive...but he isn't...because Obama sided with the rebels.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Maybe they could but they won't. Not without a leader. The US needs to lead and quit acting like this will never affect us. A leader (The US) needs to get these ME countries to come together and fight this group. Dropping a few bombs is not going to stop this group. They need to be rooted out and executed. Not held prisoner and later tried. Fucking killed. I think you underestimate the strength and size of this enemy. If we are not putting troops on the ground then the bombing needs to be 24-7. Our current course of action will only postpone the inevitable. The longer we wait the stronger they become. Originally Posted by Budman
“We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women,” Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, spokesman for ISIS, promised in one of his periodic valentines to the West. “If we do not reach that time, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market.”
I bet the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't want us to go to war in the middle East.
Like David Burge said "we need to change their name to WASWAS".
Oh glad you are being honest- I am amazed that most Americans want war with ISIS- this would be a grave mistake- Obama is on record saying he thinks the armies in those nations should handle the crisis and he is opposed to sending our troops. I am hoping Republicans agree with Obama, Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The reason most Americans see nothing wrong with us "going to war" is because the brutal truth is, we have a nice Mercenary Army to do our fighting for is.

True, our Army does not fit the exact definition of a mercenary army, but whether we like it or not, the brutal truth is we pay young men and women to fight our wars so we won't have too.

Think about it. We have been in some type of shooting war for the better part of two decades. Aside from those Famillys that have had a relative killed or maimed, how has any American suffered. I would go so far as to say that if it were not for the news media, the vast majority of Americans would not even know we were in any type of war at all.

We now hire our own young men and women to fight our wars. More times than not, these young men and women are from the lower economic ladder of society, they see the Military as an occupation. The one catch is you can get killed.

I don't know anybody on this Board personally, (male), but I would ask each one to name one thing they have had to do without during our entire Iraq/Afghanistan involvement.

I'm not sure bringing back a Draft is the answer. As a Draftee, I can say that we were really not very good soldiers. The 12 weeks of basic training and following AIT was really not enough to prepare young men for the hell that was Vietnam.But then, it's difficult to be good soldiers when you know most of the Country was against the entire thing.

Most Americans see no problem with going to war because they won't have to fight it it. And their lives will not be disturbed one bit.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Obama is droning them and has asked Congress for war authorization that promises more action. You didn't link to the article or the poll so its hard characterize what the US side of "the war" is wanted. ISIS, among other, have declared war on US.

The armies in those nations couldn't handle the crisis. The Obama doctrine states that they should. Obama is breaking his own doctrine for a reason I guess. I wonder how the Libyans would respond if Qadaffi was still alive...but he isn't...because Obama sided with the rebels. Originally Posted by gnadfly
my bad here's the link :
dirty dog's Avatar
They killed Americans by cutting their fucking heads off. James Foley and MS Mueller and their families deserve justice for their murders. There was a time when no one would consider killing an American but that was years ago. To even ask why we would want to destroy ISIS boggles the mind. Maybe you don't consider their lives to be significant to be revenged but their are many in this country who do, and would feel that way even if it were you being beheaded. We are Americans and we should defend and avenge our people against any who harms them.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Maybe they could but they won't. Not without a leader. The US needs to lead and quit acting like this will never affect us. A leader (The US) needs to get these ME countries to come together and fight this group. Dropping a few bombs is not going to stop this group. They need to be rooted out and executed. Not held prisoner and later tried. Fucking killed. I think you underestimate the strength and size of this enemy. If we are not putting troops on the ground then the bombing needs to be 24-7. Our current course of action will only postpone the inevitable. The longer we wait the stronger they become. Originally Posted by Budman
We disagree on many topics, but I agree with you 100% here- little bombing here and there won't stop ISIS- like you said needs to be 24/7 and although I am a man of peace- if I saw someone chopping ISIS members to little pieces I would love it- sorry for being so cruel- but these scum are below human-
wellendowed1911's Avatar
They killed Americans by cutting their fucking heads off. James Foley and MS Mueller and their families deserve justice for their murders. There was a time when no one would consider killing an American but that was years ago. To even ask why we would want to destroy ISIS boggles the mind. Maybe you don't consider their lives to be significant to be revenged but their are many in this country who do, and would feel that way even if it were you being beheaded. We are Americans and we should defend and avenge our people against any who harms them. Originally Posted by dirty dog
You know as little as 10 years ago you would be scolded for your remarks- but as of today I agree with you- I don't know any person that has pity for them- most muslims I have talked too believe they should tortured beyond human suffering can comprehend.