Bill O'Reilly Strikes Back At Motherjones

This is going to get good. It seems Motherjones thought they could do a "Brian Williams Equivelent" on O'Reilly by printing half truths, and innuendo.

But Bill isn't taking it. He is fighting back with one think that liberal press such as Motherjones can't handle. Facts.
Facts backed up by reports and film from the actual events.

What do you think.
I hope the RINO stomps their Ouni-corn loving guts out.
He's full of shit. He's a fucking bully.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's full of shit. He's a fucking bully. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
lustylad's Avatar
He's full of shit. He's a fucking bully. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Yeah, only a fucking bully would pick a fight for no reason... Oh wait, O'Reilly didn't start this fight, did he? Can he still be a fucking bully if he's just defending himself?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The question is; is Bill O'Reilly a liar? Seems that he isn't. Now go back and read what other shit Mother Jones has started.
LexusLover's Avatar
He's full of shit. He's a fucking bully. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Corn is too wimpish to be a bully. A gutless wonder.

As for being "full of shit" ... Corn has too much hot gas to have space for shit.

All air, no substance. Kinda like you.
LexusLover's Avatar
The question is; is Bill O'Reilly a liar? Seems that he isn't. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Memoes and letters to back his ass up! Not to mention a liberalized network.
Yeah, only a fucking bully would pick a fight for no reason... Oh wait, O'Reilly didn't start this fight, did he? Can he still be a fucking bully if he's just defending himself? Originally Posted by lustylad
Lying is a reason. Should you just let someone get away with lying? I know you would, as long as they were repubs. He's started plenty of fights and if anyone went back and watched his show, there's plenty of lies and bullshit but who wants to suffer through that awful crap.
The question is; is Bill O'Reilly a liar? Seems that he isn't. Now go back and read what other shit Mother Jones has started. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Read excerpts from his book. Listen to what others who worked at CBS at the time have said. He's obviously not telling the entire truth. You notice that he didn't come down too hard on Brian Williams, because he knows he's done it too and didn't want to start a big stink and get people looking into his shit. Too late.
UnderCunt... alot will be exposed in the next 2 years... Good Luck... You're gonna need it.
UnderCunt... alot will be exposed in the next 2 years... Good Luck... You're gonna need it. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Neither side has the market cornered on skeletons in the closet... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I don't think that means what you think it means
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Read excerpts from his book. Listen to what others who worked at CBS at the time have said. He's obviously not telling the entire truth. You notice that he didn't come down too hard on Brian Williams, because he knows he's done it too and didn't want to start a big stink and get people looking into his shit. Too late. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Why read excerpts when you can read the entire book? How is he obviously anything? Because you said so? He doesn't come down too hard on Obama. That is my complaint about Bill, he is so busy trying to look fair that he doesn't follow through on what has become obvious to many people. Go read the article why don't you. MJ wants to argue about what is a war zone and what is not. That is the basis of their argument and they lose. You, on the other hand, reveal yourself to be more of a demagogue than a thinker. Attack yes, read not so much. I have my own problems with Bill but him telling the truth is not one of them.

By the way, who at CBS is saying this stuff. Give us the names.