Next order of business for me is wondering what position Bill Clinton will be appointed to in Hillary's administration

It's time to start thinking ahead folks. Obama done won twice it's a done deal it's time to secure our next victory.

Technically Billy Clint Clint could challenge the constitution and run as her Veep but it's too risky. I think I will opt for two more liberal seats on the Supreme court. As for the position I think Bill would make a great secretary of state or even chief of staff
rioseco's Avatar
It's time to start thinking ahead folks. Obama done won twice it's a done deal it's time to secure our next victory.

Technically Billy Clint Clint could challenge the constitution and run as her Veep but it's too risky. I think I will opt for two more liberal seats on the Supreme court. As for the position I think Bill would make a great secretary of state or even chief of staff Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Don't be silly.
Billy is torn between two choices.
U.S Ambassador to Cuba and Humidor Czar.
It's time to start thinking ahead folks. Obama done won twice it's a done deal it's time to secure our next victory.

Technically Billy Clint Clint could challenge the constitution and run as her Veep but it's too risky. I think I will opt for two more liberal seats on the Supreme court. As for the position I think Bill would make a great secretary of state or even chief of staff Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Usually when history repeats itself it's not a good thing. That's what comes to my mind when I hear talk of the Clinton's trying to weasel their sorry asses back into the White House. Instead of looking ahead just use your head you're better off. Hind sight is 20/20 ya know.

The Clinton years were America's glory years. Dare you object? Did he not leave a surplus for Bush to squander ;-) and squander he did. ;-)
The Clinton years were America's glory years. Dare you object? Did he not leave a surplus for Bush to squander ;-) and squander he did. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Like a drunken sailor...
The Clinton years were America's glory years. Dare you object? Did he not leave a surplus for Bush to squander ;-) and squander he did. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Yeah Glory years from what? How about his involvement with South American Drug Cartels. You must be out of your mind. Haven't you had enough of the criminal element running this country. That's the first thing that comes to a dupes mind when it comes to Clinton. " Oh but he had a surplus" big deal did you reap any of it?

Yeah Glory years from what? How about his involvement with South American Drug Cartels. You must be out of your mind. Haven't you had enough of the criminal element running this country. That's the first thing that comes to a dupes mind when it comes to Clinton. " Oh but he had a surplus" big deal did you reap any of it?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Criminal cartels? Not like Reagan and the Sandinistas, right? Or before that, when he sold weapons to IRAN, hoping to free american hostages, right? And part of the money went to fund rebels. Get the fuck out of here. Find me a president who's clean as a preacher's sheets and you've found a liar.
Criminal cartels? Not like Reagan and the Sandinistas, right? Or before that, when he sold weapons to IRAN, hoping to free american hostages, right? And part of the money went to fund rebels. Get the fuck out of here. Find me a president who's clean as a preacher's sheets and you've found a liar. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Lol I was just about to rip Jimbo a new asshole thanks for beating me to the punch. It appears he's not very well versed in American history. Personally I think Ronald Reagan and Oliver North are solely responsible for the rise of modern day terrorism vis-a-vis Iran Contra. If that wasn't bad enough they also gave WMDs to Saddam Hussein.

All one has to do is dig and care to know the truth just a little as opposed to allowing themselves to wallow in Obama derangement syndrome. Lol.

The Clinton years were America's glory years. Dare you object? Did he not leave a surplus for Bush to squander ;-) and squander he did. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Horseshit. But what else to expect from you?

As we now know, the rah-rah 90s were yet another bubble that burst while Bill Clinton was STILL IN OFFICE.

Look it up. First NASDAQ (tech stocks) went into a nosedive and then the Dow Jones did.

It usually takes about a year for the ripple effect to go from Wall Street to Main Street. So George Bush took office just in time to get the blame for the Clinton bubble.

Clinton's "surplus" was the result of two things:

1) a pissing match between Bubba and a GOP Congress, where each side refused to enact the other's spending programs, thereby resulting in a slowing in the increase in spending (not an actual reduction); and 2) dotcom companies pumping up the economy and paying large amounts of capital gains taxes when founders cashed out.

When the dotcom bubble burst, all the capital gains revenue vaporized, income tax revenue dropped, unemployment benefit payments rose, and the surplus was history.

Why doesn't Bubba get the blame for that tech bubble being crated in the first place? The left has no problem blaming Bush for the housing bubble, right?

Perhaps it is because most folks are too stupid to understand economics? Especially partisans.

So much for your "glory years" mope.
You are correct exNYer, the "Clinton surplus" was no more by the end of 2000. The markets had begun taking a dive otherwise Gore would have been handily elected President.

Zany's Dem talking point has been thoroughly disproved here and previous forums complete with links to govt stats.

BTW, *if* Hillary gets elected POTUS, Bill will continue to do whatever in the hell Bill wants to do.

BTW2, there's still about two more years left, ya'll didn't learn much from the 2014 election, just keep assuming....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah Glory years from what? How about his involvement with South American Drug Cartels. You must be out of your mind. Haven't you had enough of the criminal element running this country. That's the first thing that comes to a dupes mind when it comes to Clinton. " Oh but he had a surplus" big deal did you reap any of it?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
give him a break Jim. he meant "Glory Hole years"

Lol I was just about to rip Jimbo a new asshole thanks for beating me to the punch. It appears he's not very well versed in American history. Personally I think Ronald Reagan and Oliver North are solely responsible for the rise of modern day terrorism vis-a-vis Iran Contra. If that wasn't bad enough they also gave WMDs to Saddam Hussein.

All one has to do is dig and care to know the truth just a little as opposed to allowing themselves to wallow in Obama derangement syndrome. Lol.

Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
you "rip someone a new asshole?" Mister, your brain is the blackhole of intelligence. as in, no intelligence can get in.

as for Reagan, he actually cared about America which more than i can say for Obama. of course he made that deal. and your problem with that is .. what??? that he helped Iran against Iraq? in the politics of the day, it was worth it.

Reagan also brought down the Soviet State. Yes .. he DID. The Soviets thought they had American Presidents all figured out. they talk tough then fold so they can get re-elected. Reagan did not. when he told Gorbachev "take it or leave it" for the INF treaty, Gorbachev realized Reagan wasn't bluffing and was not going to relent. So he signed it. he HAD NO CHOICE in doing so. NONE. they call this .. LEADERSHIP. something Obama can't even spell.

here is a LEADER .. LEADING. hell, them Germans woulda make him Kaiser of Germany if they could have just for reuniting Germany. And causing the Soviets to leave East Germany. Germany today as it exists is due to one man only. Ronald Wilson Reagan. American Patriot.

Horseshit. But what else to expect from you?

As we now know, the rah-rah 90s were yet another bubble that burst while Bill Clinton was STILL IN OFFICE.

Look it up. First NASDAQ (tech stocks) went into a nosedive and then the Dow Jones did.

It usually takes about a year for the ripple effect to go from Wall Street to Main Street. So George Bush took office just in time to get the blame for the Clinton bubble.

Clinton's "surplus" was the result of two things:

1) a pissing match between Bubba and a GOP Congress, where each side refused to enact the other's spending programs, thereby resulting in a slowing in the increase in spending (not an actual reduction); and 2) dotcom companies pumping up the economy and paying large amounts of capital gains taxes when founders cashed out.

When the dotcom bubble burst, all the capital gains revenue vaporized, income tax revenue dropped, unemployment benefit payments rose, and the surplus was history.

Why doesn't Bubba get the blame for that tech bubble being crated in the first place? The left has no problem blaming Bush for the housing bubble, right?

Perhaps it is because most folks are too stupid to understand economics? Especially partisans.

So much for your "glory years" mope. Originally Posted by ExNYer
i don't always agree with ExNYer, but i do today.
Criminal cartels? Not like Reagan and the Sandinistas, right? Or before that, when he sold weapons to IRAN, hoping to free american hostages, right? And part of the money went to fund rebels. Get the fuck out of here. Find me a president who's clean as a preacher's sheets and you've found a liar. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Hahaha, Iam going rip you and the other idiot a new asshole. Clinton was involved in the Mena Arkansas Scandal. Google the name Barry seal. He was a pilot from Louisiana flying weapons and Contraband to and from South America to Arkansas at a little Airport in Mena. Clinton had his hooks into that and carried the same corrupt act with him to the white house. Would you vote for Reagan if he was in Bill's situation probably not. So why would anyone in their right minds vote for this idiots wife who is just as corrupt as he is maybe even worse. I guess you daydreamers think if the Clintons get back into the White House They'll leave another surplus. There might be a surplus of space when they start boxing up some of you assholes.

Suck his dead dick while you're at it. Jeez. Where to begin with this turd... Tax Reform act actually lowered tax on higher income and raised the taxes on those making less than $50K a year. Way to kick the middle and lower classes in the nuts. Debt rose from 26% of GDP in 80 to 41% of GDP by the time he left. The truth of the matter is he and Clinton were both lucky to be president at a certain time during the business cycle.

Not to mention this doozy. One that we're still paying for to this day.
Hahaha, Iam going rip you and the other idiot a new asshole. Clinton was involved in the Mena Arkansas Scandal. Google the name Barry seal. He was a pilot from Louisiana flying weapons and Contraband to and from South America to Arkansas at a little Airport in Mena. Clinton had his hooks into that and carried the same corrupt act with him to the white house. Would you vote for Reagan if he was in Bill's situation probably not. So why would anyone in their right minds vote for this idiots wife who is just as corrupt as he is maybe even worse. I guess you daydreamers think if the Clintons get back into the White House They'll leave another surplus. There might be a surplus of space when they start boxing up some of you assholes.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Never voted for Clinton. I was a republican back then. Nice try though. I'm from arkansas btw, there isn't any scandal involving clinton that is news to me. We've heard it all.
Horseshit. But what else to expect from you?

As we now know, the rah-rah 90s were yet another bubble that burst while Bill Clinton was STILL IN OFFICE.

Look it up. First NASDAQ (tech stocks) went into a nosedive and then the Dow Jones did.

It usually takes about a year for the ripple effect to go from Wall Street to Main Street. So George Bush took office just in time to get the blame for the Clinton bubble.

Clinton's "surplus" was the result of two things:

1) a pissing match between Bubba and a GOP Congress, where each side refused to enact the other's spending programs, thereby resulting in a slowing in the increase in spending (not an actual reduction); and 2) dotcom companies pumping up the economy and paying large amounts of capital gains taxes when founders cashed out.

When the dotcom bubble burst, all the capital gains revenue vaporized, income tax revenue dropped, unemployment benefit payments rose, and the surplus was history.

Why doesn't Bubba get the blame for that tech bubble being crated in the first place? The left has no problem blaming Bush for the housing bubble, right?

Perhaps it is because most folks are too stupid to understand economics? Especially partisans.

So much for your "glory years" mope. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Nahhh Sherlock, Bush took office just in time to show what an idiot he truly was. Fact is presidents are judged on policies, business climate and the performance of the economy while in office. Clinton left that wreckless moron a $236 billion surplus. Outside of the normal ebb and flow of the economy it was purely Bush mismanagement that took us from a $236 billion surplus to 455 billion deficit.

He lowered taxes for the rich, deregulated the financial industry, and floated the wars on "terror" instead of funding them through higher taxes. That's how he fucked up this country. Dude was a straight up dummy and apparently you cosign that level of stupidity. Go figure.

Conversely, Bill's policies made for a very strong economy. For example his 1993 budget reduced the federal deficit and lowered interests rates, this in turn stimulated the economy with more tax revenue, personal income increases and big stock market gains.

Go read a book and get back to me. Better yet I have a homework assignment for you. Tell me compared to what Clinton left Bush (which was a $236 billion surplus) what did Bush leave Obama.

I'm listening ExNyer I'd love to read your next bullshit excuse. ;-)