Looking for a recommendation . . . PM me!


I've been visiting Omaha for some time and I have always seemed to have had great luck finding the perfect incall location to suit my exacting standards and my client's demanding expectations (upscale, roomier, two room suites or better with private entrances where possible) . . . however, it seems that there has been some recent ownership changes in several of my favorite places (the Crowne Plaza Miracle Hills is now a Sheraton, other hotels have changed hands but have remained the same brand and the management has changed, etc.).

I'm visiting Omaha today though Wednesday and although I have secured an eminently discreet, upscale and deliciously comfortable accommodation for this visit, I may need to find a new place to call my home away from home in Omaha in the future . . . I prefer to have several hotels to choose from . . . I have some free time built in to my schedule to visit other properties while I am in town this week, so . . .

If you have any recommendations, please PM me! As discretion is paramount, please do not reply with specifics in the thread . . .

Thanks in advance!


- Jackie
Thanks for all the PM's and emails, gentlemen (and a few ladies). I now have a stack of recommendations (literally, I printed them off) to sort through . . . I'm sure one or more of these suggestions will work out wonderfully!

Thanks again!


- Jackie
Did someone send you the one with the Motel 5 in the middle of Carter Lake?
No, but that's funny (at least I'd be guaranteed to be wet - HA!) . . . I did actually get a message via email from a local provider letting me know that she'd appreciate if I booked myself into another city because she's tired of losing regular clients to me and her money dips every time I come to town . . . I let her know that in addition to Omaha, I was going to put Lincoln and Sioux City back on my regular schedule in the future. I don't think that helped her mood any . . . Oh well . . .


- Jackie
The one thing you do better than most providers is let hobby clients know when you are on vacation. Also when you are visiting areas. I think if most providers would take advantage of their signature here, and also update things regularly on P411, it would help out a lot. Too often they just don't respond to an email or voice message, and leaves someone wondering exactly what was going on.
Yes . . . REALLY!

Next month.

Book now. LOL.


- Jackie
You in Lincoln sounds like a great time!!
Missed you again...... damn
I'll be back soon!

From the tenor in another thread I may have left just in time . . . I wouldn't want to get caught in Omaha with that much heat . . .


- Jackie
yes... I agree... best to play safe.