The Future Of Our Hobby

I'm thinking the hey-day of this hobby is behind us with all the changes we're seeing. I've been in the hobby for 10 years and any change has made things more difficult not easier...
P411 has been all over the place with changes they've made and have walked some of them back. Currently not accepting new members and while I understand that will change after the 1st of the year, the site will become a watered down version of what it is now. A couple years ago they deleted some of the menu options on provider's 'Activities List' aka 'Other Details' such as "BBBJ" or "Greek Goddess". They also dropped all agencies. I've seen several wonderful providers from several agencies after being screened through P411. They've also done away with the 'Personal Bio' section. I've been a member there for many years and this has been an invaluable resource, I will have to see how these changes affect things before re-subscribing next year.
As a result, agencies want more personal info than the CIA requests from it's candidates- employment info, home address, picture of driver's licence and more. I've long refused to give out that type of personal info, period. I know this has cost me the chance to see some wonderful providers, but here is justification:
This agency sent providers to cities all over and now the government has all the personal info on any and all hobbyists who made appointments with this agency. Do I think LEO will go after them? I doubt it but I would be nervous if they had my personal info.
TER has shut down in the U.S. and they say they'll be back as soon as their attorneys tell them it's okay. I had posted over 50 reviews there and thought it a wonderful resource...gone.
I could go on and on but I think you get the point. I didn't think the whole sesta/fosta thing would have this kind of effect on the industry, especially when you consider that this is illegal in the first place, boy was I wrong!
I thought I'd get that off my chest and would like to hear what others have to say on the subject, sorry for being so long winded.
Be safe and have fun, Ace.
  • dgc92
  • 11-27-2018, 10:01 AM
We've been living in the internet's Wild West for years. But civilization is coming. And with it, laws. For the same reason it happened in the real Wild West. Big businesses want a safe place to sell stuff. So we don't get to shoot people in the face anymore, even if we have pretty good reasons. It's a shame, because some people deserve it. But civilization does that. Laws make things more stable for business. And business runs everything.
It will be fine and everyone will adapt. I think the days of graphic reviews may well come to an end. Sites will move overseas. Even if that don’t help The internet will be decentralized in a few years. Look up substratum, skycoin, plus many more, etc. yes it sucks that these changes happened, but people will find away because it is needed to keep people safe. Shutting down sites actually harms the most vulnerable in society., etc. are some that are helpful. Just don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Network on different sites until the dust settles because anything could disappear tomorrow.
The hobby will continue to exist. I agree with the comments above, but will add it will exist in a way not recognizable in the past 10 years.

I am old enough to remember the hobby before the internet. When most ladies started going online people complained thehobby was dead. When websites disappeared last year many people started meeting in a social setting.

The hobby is the oldest profession, it's just changing. It's alive and well.
It's been better than ever for me, more sites now, more girls getting into it. Its becoming somewhat more acceptable. It slowed down after the shutdown but then really seemed to take off.

I think if you want to know what the hobby will be like look at Dallas, well except for remote areas.

I never jump through hoops, it's not worth it. I just saw an ad the other day, a hookers ad with some poor saps ID posted, full name, pic, you name it all visable.
trey32's Avatar
I remember before the internet when one avenue was to go to a lower class motel and inquire with the desk clerk if there were any available women. Often the desk clerk was a quasi pimp to the extent that he would provide information to guys, keep the women updated and get a bit of a cut/tip.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I remember before the internet when one avenue was to go to a lower class motel and inquire with the desk clerk if there were any available women. Often the desk clerk was a quasi pimp to the extent that he would provide information to guys, keep the women updated and get a bit of a cut/tip. Originally Posted by trey32
I remember that same avenue POST-Internet.

not here, though, in Vietnam.
I remember before the internet when one avenue was to go to a lower class motel and inquire with the desk clerk if there were any available women. Often the desk clerk was a quasi pimp to the extent that he would provide information to guys, keep the women updated and get a bit of a cut/tip. Originally Posted by trey32

I've heard of people doing that before. I wonder if it really works.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-28-2018, 01:13 PM

It does. Not just at lower end places, and certainly not at all places.

But it requires trust. And that can take some time.
GingerKatt's Avatar

It does. Not just at lower end places, and certainly not at all places.

But it requires trust. And that can take some time.
Originally Posted by Old-T

It DOES happen at at 5 star hotels. You can either ask the concierge or a desk clerk. But think I the concierge is usually more helpful because it’s their job to cater to guests and help then get what they requested.

And I know of many providers who go to the bar in an upscale hotel, dressed up in a very sexy; but not slutty outfit. And a lady sitting alone at a bar in a hotel often signals pay 4 play. And she says, it’s loud in here, or too crowded or boring; something like. And she suggests going somewhere more private. If the man still doesn’t get it, once they’re in a hotel room the lady will say; “you know sweetie, I just realized that I really have to work tonight because I haven’t paid my phone bill yet (or electric bill), and it’s 250, so since I work from home I really should get home and work tonight. Guy is already excited, and either understands what she’s saying, or just says, “I’ll give you the 250! Just don’t leave now please”. And he pays the bar tab too, and opens up the minibar in his room. It can be pretty lucrative.

And I may be wrong but I don’t think P411 is ever going to accept new applications. Gina wants it to be a small site, so she run it by herself or just not to have to hire as much staff as she currently does. And it will mainly be a verification site; or “whitelist” for the safety of clients and providers.

And I could be wrong on this too; but I don’t think TER has plans to open in the US again. Eros might still be up next year, not sure. Many of the ladies here have profiles on Eros, but it’s expensive to place an ad. And they let the ladies post nudes, rates and activities for now at least.

IMO, guys should save the contact info on their favorite ladies or do research on some that you think you might want to see. By checking their reviews and posts to make sure there’re well reviewed, respected and not BSC in CoEd. And save the contact info and bio page in your phone or laptop. Most of us were still busy during the time Eccie was down, with regulars and guys that had us on their TDL.
Hot Yvette's Avatar
Ginger, Gina posted about her plans here...
See post #11 in this thread...

I think it's easier meeting on premium snapchat, IG. I wouldn't feel comfortable sitting at a hotel bar. The bartenders will hit on you too... so annoying.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
IMO, guys should save the contact info on their favorite ladies or do research on some that you think you might want to see. Originally Posted by GingerKatt
^^^^^ Thread winning comment
LilithGilman's Avatar
I don't think the ad websites are going anywhere. We do live in an internet-age, so internet will most likely remain important to the business, at least for some. Once one ad venue goes down, there are always some that pop up to replace what's been lost. It's like a dog chasing it's tail.

Some of the sites that have gone away weren't the best for the ladies anyway, even if they were great for a hobbyist who may be inclined to book 12 ladies a week at the cheapest rate possible.

I think Fosta/Sesta is meant to promote accountability of sites who make money off providers, to ensure a safe space. Hopefully, sites that actually do their jobs of ensuring safety beyond a basic hosting of an ad, will remain.

There are a couple of sites that have treated me well and where I've gotten the bulk of my inquiries, and I'm sorry to see it go or in jeopardy. Hopefully, the customer traffic will shift elsewhere. With extra regulation and crack down by the government, the business might be a little less of a buyers market but some sellers will definitely suffer too.
ICU 812's Avatar
Well you are probably right about ad sites. I think review sites are having some issues though. The "IE" in ECCIE stand for "information exchange". As a hobbyist, it is important to me to know what an "encounter" (new eupamism) was like and how the parties interacted. This is getting harder to find.

What I am seeing in the Houston Texas area is that LE has become more effective in using the net to identify local AMPs that offer full service. If therte is more than one or two reviews of an AMP/Spa with a good menu, it gets raided. That did not use to happen enough to be more than a bother. Now it has inhibited the free exchange of info (the reason for ECCIE).Now when a gem is discovered, the info is kept quiet. I don't see what adaptationcan be made to work around that. LR got web-wise . . .here I Houston anyway.
To be completely honest, I do not think places like eccie and others will survive the new laws. Not because they aren't trying but because many prosecuters will be trying to make names for themselves and advancing their careers. The way the new laws read, every state can go after places like this so eccie and others may be facing a multitude of lawsuits unless they they cooperate with the government.

It is far easier to go after "sex crimes" than it is to go after political crimes. Just ask any senator since none of those idiots have been arrested.