Looking to join the fun

Hi everyone. I've been lurking from the outside but decided to finally register. I've noticed most providers require references from Eccie. I'm in Dallas Fort Worth. Any recommendations on how best to go about getting those first couple of meetings?
Welcome aboard!

Go to the "Provider Ads" section of the local Dallas page. In the section, find the "Search This Forum" button and type in "Newbie Friendly." Go through the results and pick 4-5 that strike your fancy and send them an introductory Private Message (PM) through their Showcase. (Never make initial contact via email or text. Always PM first, even after you're established.) Work with those ladies who respond on their screening requirements. Some may have screening criteria that you're not comfortable with. If so, politely decline and move on. Remember, we're all here to have fun, but safety and security will always be top priority. Then write and post reviews of your adventures.

Good luck! Have fun and stay safe!
Rachel Avery's Avatar
Welcome Enjoy and Have Fun
Carmelita DeLeón's Avatar
Welcome to Eccie !
  • 01-16-2017, 06:07 PM
Welcome To The Play Ground Have Fun Sugar